I wish I would have seen this interview before I bought the game...

by BackInBlack

15 years, 7 months ago

Yes but he didn't sound that bored in the movies or cartoons…especially the 1st one

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I'd have to disagree partly…

He is not that bored in the first movie because Egon and Ray stumbled on GOLD MINE and he was excited over the prospect of getting fame, fortune, and girls.

The second movie starts out with him seeming similairly bored. After all his dreams of fame and fortune went bust (no pun intended)..but as the movie progresses and he finds out Dana is in trouble again and they eventually go back into business he becomes more excited.

By this point in the Movieverse, Dana is gone again and the whole Ghostbusting thing has become same old same old for him…he is…in effect bored.

As a note however the characterization of Peter Venkman in the cartoons should not be compaired to the movies due to them being different

by GuyCC

15 years, 7 months ago

Back In Black;149224
Well it would've been a little better if Bill didn't sound so damn bored and tired while recording his lines…

There's a couple parts where I felt that, but after a few playthroughs, it really is less than I thought. Murray does have a few “dud” lines, but his spot-on delivery outweighs those by a mile.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 7 months ago

Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I got to bust ghosts with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson! Ive been waiting to do that since 1985. I really hope they can persuade him to do it again. And if not, well, perhaps they can do an RGB style game.

Murray sounded a bit low. Not nearly enough energy to be heard through all the busts and explosions and ghost bellows but I just attribute that to age.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 7 months ago

I'd have to disagree partly…

He is not that bored in the first movie because Egon and Ray stumbled on GOLD MINE and he was excited over the prospect of getting fame, fortune, and girls.

The second movie starts out with him seeming similairly bored. After all his dreams of fame and fortune went bust (no pun intended)..but as the movie progresses and he finds out Dana is in trouble again and they eventually go back into business he becomes more excited.

By this point in the Movieverse, Dana is gone again and the whole Ghostbusting thing has become same old same old for him…he is…in effect bored.

As a note however the characterization of Peter Venkman in the cartoons should not be compaired to the movies due to them being different

Also note that the first movie was the one where they encountered the supernatural for the first time. At the start of the movie, they've never seen anything, have no proof of anything, and Venkman thinks they're all quacks. He literally is working a con because he's not a believer at all.

So a lot of the movie is them reacting in a “Holy crap, it's real!” way. After the montage and in the second movie though, busting ghosts has become so mundane and tiring that of course he sounds bored.

by jedimiller

15 years, 7 months ago

Sorry to hear you are so upset. You think Harold and Dan had the time to write the entire script? get real, that would take like 2 years. I'm very happy with this game, the voices, the originality and the gameplay. 10 out of 10.

I'm taking it slow, so i'm only playing like 3 hours a week to keep it fresh.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Sorry to hear you are so upset. You think Harold and Dan had the time to write the entire script? get real, that would take like 2 years. I'm very happy with this game, the voices, the originality and the gameplay. 10 out of 10.

I'm taking it slow, so i'm only playing like 3 hours a week to keep it fresh.

Ok, first of all, it probably wouldn't take 2 years to write the script… After all, its not taking Gene and Lee 2 years to write a potential script for Ghostbusters III, is it?

Second of all, the game was in development for SEVERAL years. There was plenty that could be done in work on the game while the dialogue was being fleshed out. They had a general outline/story, so the developers would have been able to work on things plenty while Aykroyd and Ramis rewrote the idea and script.

That said, it doesn't bother me one bit that this isn't COMPLETELY written by them. They had a hand in the writing, with the technical terms, the feel, and I'm sure some of the jokes. But who cares? The game was fun, it was funny, and it had the feel of the original films. I don't care who wrote it, so long as that feel was there. Aykroyd and Ramis aren't writing Ghostbusters III but that doesn't mean that its going to be horrible, or that it should affect anyone's decision to see it without any more information.

The guy who posted this is clearly a troll, don't feed him ladies and gents.

by RobertBlues

15 years, 6 months ago

A film script is usually only around 120 pages maybe a lil more. a game script can be upwards of 500 pages.

Also with GBIII even though those office guys are writing it Aykroyd has said he and harold will take it and work on it themselves when its done and do some work and drafting on it.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 6 months ago

I don't know if this interview with Dan Aykroyd has already been posted on here, but I took a quick look and couldn't find it anywhere.


What a ripoff.

It's really unfair to the people who are buying these games to bill this game as “script written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd”, when in actuality all they really did was edit the script on a budget.

It is relieving to know that all of the dumb shit coming out of Venkman's mouth wasn't entirely written by Ramis and Aykroyd. Holy shit is Peter Venkman's character horrible in this game.

“hyuck hyuck, I'm stayin back with the girl. Anyone up for some Jager bombs and hazing some pledges???” -Peter Venkman

As an Indy Film Maker, I have to tell you, “writing a scirpt” is more than sitting at a desk and trying to write the whole fucking thing. Sometimes editing is MORE important than the inital going through and writing the script. I have wrote a full script with two things we have, and the third one I have rewrote/edited it and I got 50% credit (the studio I am in is me and a good friend). We have only gotten one thing filmed just yet, finally got another this month to film and another later this year. Writing scripts is fucking hard, you wouldn't know dick about it. The other idea later this year, needs to be written and our masterpiece is finally done, a full movie, but till we can afford it no go. That script took a while and was a huge learning process. But again you don't understand this do you? Read this again troll:

“In the beginning they came to me, and I said, ‘I encourage you, go ahead,’ ” he recounted. “They gave me the script. I took it. I rewrote it doing little tiny structural things, mostly bringing back the tone of the original dialogue and the vernacular — the terms, the idiom — but they really had it. Two-thirds of it was there. Then they gave it to Harold. He did the same thing.”

Dan and Harold REWROTE it, twice. I bet the original script was ho hum and just ok. A complete rewrite is major, TWO is awesome so yes they get the credit. Why wouldn't they? THEY started Ghostbusters, THEY created the characters and THEY took the script from ok to awesome with two full rewrites.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 6 months ago

*Caution* Extreme possibility of flame war

I thought the story of the game was incredibly derivative and unoriginal. As I said BEFORE the game came out, if they wanted to make this game a greeting card to GB fans fine. If they did like a “greatest hits” type game where you played all of the great GB battles with some new levels inbetween, fine. I would have LOVED playing that game. What I really resent is them passing this off as GB3 and having been written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd just to sell more copies.

This game IS just a retread of the first movie. Nevermind the fact that the first 2 levels are STRAIGHT out of GB1, but alot of the dialogue is just quotes from the movies, the score is probably 95% Elmer Bernstien's, and the story revolves around Gozer and Shandor and etc. Were they not creative enough to actually add a new chapter to GB canon since they WERE obviously given the chance to by Dan Aykroyd. Instead, all we got was something so similar to the first movie that it isn't worth including ANYTHING into canon.

I finally beat the game last night (after not having any inclination to play it for 2 weeks since the game is so boring) and once again I was disappointed. I had to laugh when the possessed mayor is revealed and Winston basically acts like the narrator and ties the plot up in a neat little package for the player… After that, you pretty much go and fight Satan in the ghostworld… For a true GB sequel, I would have expected more than a red lava monster with devil horns that breathes fire at you. How completely unoriginal and disappointing. After beating the Prince of Darkness, opps, I mean Shandor, I was treated to a 30 second CGI sequence that ended in the exact same way as the first movie did… So similar in fact, that the EXACT same pieces of score were used at the EXACT same time. Remember when they cut Alyssa out of the tethers? Or when they free Peck? Or when they find the mayor and have to explain everything that happened to him because he was possessed by Gozer… *cough* Louis Tully rip off. Then, somewhere, between the end credits, I heard what sounded like talking… There was no cue that anything besides the credits was going on… I turned up the volume and discovered that there was some voice over work during the credits which explains how the Rookie is going to have his own franchise in another city…

Now that would have been a GREAT idea for a game. Let the Rookie go off and have his own adventure ghostbusting in a new city with new characters and a new story. I might have considered that to be a true sequel, but not the game that was actually made. I really wish that they HAD just given us the ability to play through Gb1/Gb2 instead of this bastardized version…

Now that I beat the game, I put it back on my shelf probably never to be played again. The multiplayer is so terrible that I have no reason to play it again. More than a year after GTA4 released, I am still addicted to the multiplayer and try to play atleast once a day! Now there is an example of a game extremely well done.