I wish I would have seen this interview before I bought the game...

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 6 months ago

Doctor Venkman;151310
Interesting. Before you seemed to be saying that you hated the game, considering you were saying you'd never play it again. You definitely didn't give off a vibe as to “liking it as much as you do because you're a Ghostbusters fan” before.

Yes, if I weren't a Ghostbusters fan, I'd hate this game even more.

Well you don't have to replay the game to rewatch that. Go to the extras section and rewatch it and actually time it this time. I bet you good money its longer than 30 seconds.

I will time it the next time I play it. It probably is a bit longer than 30 seconds, but way too short for the ending of what was dubed as a true sequel.

Its not that people are over-sensitive to criticsm of the game. We all like it. Obviously. There's no real use coming here and complaining about the plot sucking when it didn't, the cutscenes being too short when they're not, and the lines being “exact quotes from GB1” when they're not.

It's funny how me saying “but alot of the dialogue is just quotes from the movies” turned into “exact quotes from GB1”… Alot of the throwaway dialogue is either catchphrases in GB1/2 or references to the movies. Had they had some creative they would have wrote “new” Venkman lines. That's why everyone is so disappointed with his performance… Because the writing wasn't there.

Some of those things are opinions, yes, but what's the point in complaining about it? You even said you knew it would start a flame war, so if you knew that people were going to severely disagree with you and that you would have nothing to back it up, why even post it?

Because I have a right to voice my opinion? If I can make a cogent argument about why I don't like something, why shouldn't I be able to post it? Me saying it would start a flame war was in reference to the immature people on EVERY forum that turn things like that into a flame war. For instance, instead of REALLY addressing the complaints I have, everyone just said “you thought that was Satan? OMG!” Obviously I didn't really think it was Satan, I was just pointing out the fact that the “architect” was such a weak/bland design. Staypuft was a truley GENIUS idea. A molten lava, man beast with devil horns that spits fire at you is pretty pathetic in comparison. I mean, did they get the idea from a pack of Red Hots? I also loved how they just crossed the streams. How pissed off would you be if you went to see Gb2, sat through the entire movie, and at the end, the way that they defeated Vigo was by crossing the streams?

Sorry I'm not a drone that just slaps my fins like a happy seal when someone throws me a fish… Someone makes a new GB game after 20 years and you are all too happy to eat it up. Maybe I love GB enough that I don't just want to see half assed attempts which just try to cash in on our love for the franchise… There is already a bevy of lousy GB products out there, so why do we need another one? Again, the game isn't “lousy”. It looks good and I like hearing the original actors. What annoys me is that they didn't give that extra effort to make the game GREAT. I mean, they had 8 extra months right?

If you want my real opinion, the game was ready to ship as is back in October 2008. Someone at Sony got the bright idea to release it with the Blu Ray on the anniversary and thus the game was delayed so that they could “improve the game and polish it”. I would say that VERY little tweaks were made and they just made us wait 8 months for a marketing gimic.

Lastly, if you think there is no point in complaining, then I hope that every game you ever play is medicore at best. In fact I hope everything that you do in life is mediocre because without people that dissent and criticize, no one will ever achieve excellence.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

While I more or less agree with you in the bland design of the Shandors Destructor form…I would have to fully dissagree with you on the dialogue. Sure they reused some lines from the first 2 and they used some catchphrases…so what?

additionally I would like to point out that excellency is purely in the mind of the viewer. What is excellent and perfect in one persons view is a shoddy piece of crap in another. Perfection and excellents is impossible to achieve since it is purely a state of mind.

by thedavetini

15 years, 6 months ago

Yes, if I weren't a Ghostbusters fan, I'd hate this game even more.

I will time it the next time I play it. It probably is a bit longer than 30 seconds, but way too short for the ending of what was dubed as a true sequel.

It's funny how me saying “but alot of the dialogue is just quotes from the movies” turned into “exact quotes from GB1”… Alot of the throwaway dialogue is either catchphrases in GB1/2 or references to the movies. Had they had some creative they would have wrote “new” Venkman lines. That's why everyone is so disappointed with his performance… Because the writing wasn't there.

Because I have a right to voice my opinion? If I can make a cogent argument about why I don't like something, why shouldn't I be able to post it? Me saying it would start a flame war was in reference to the immature people on EVERY forum that turn things like that into a flame war. For instance, instead of REALLY addressing the complaints I have, everyone just said “you thought that was Satan? OMG!” Obviously I didn't really think it was Satan, I was just pointing out the fact that the “architect” was such a weak/bland design. Staypuft was a truley GENIUS idea. A molten lava, man beast with devil horns that spits fire at you is pretty pathetic in comparison. I mean, did they get the idea from a pack of Red Hots? I also loved how they just crossed the streams. How pissed off would you be if you went to see Gb2, sat through the entire movie, and at the end, the way that they defeated Vigo was by crossing the streams?

Sorry I'm not a drone that just slaps my fins like a happy seal when someone throws me a fish… Someone makes a new GB game after 20 years and you are all too happy to eat it up. Maybe I love GB enough that I don't just want to see half assed attempts which just try to cash in on our love for the franchise… There is already a bevy of lousy GB products out there, so why do we need another one? Again, the game isn't “lousy”. It looks good and I like hearing the original actors. What annoys me is that they didn't give that extra effort to make the game GREAT. I mean, they had 8 extra months right?

If you want my real opinion, the game was ready to ship as is back in October 2008. Someone at Sony got the bright idea to release it with the Blu Ray on the anniversary and thus the game was delayed so that they could “improve the game and polish it”. I would say that VERY little tweaks were made and they just made us wait 8 months for a marketing gimic.

Lastly, if you think there is no point in complaining, then I hope that every game you ever play is medicore at best. In fact I hope everything that you do in life is mediocre because without people that dissent and criticize, no one will ever achieve excellence.

you can go get $25 in store credit from gamestop if you want…………….

by skankerzero

15 years, 6 months ago

If you want my real opinion, the game was ready to ship as is back in October 2008. Someone at Sony got the bright idea to release it with the Blu Ray on the anniversary and thus the game was delayed so that they could “improve the game and polish it”. I would say that VERY little tweaks were made and they just made us wait 8 months for a marketing gimic.

oh, if you only knew…

Thank god we got the extra time is all I'm saying. We used every second of that time.

But no, you're completely wrong.

by superstarseven

15 years, 6 months ago

How could he be completely wrong? Stayinpuft was there at Terminal Reality working since the initial conception of the game all the way to the release.
How can someone so “in the know” be completely wrong, just doesn't make any sense.

Unless…he doesn't really work there and like everyone else on the internet talks smack about something he doesn't know anything about.
Ok I see what you did there Skankerzero.
You rascal.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 6 months ago

and now you know, and knowing is half the battle! GI JOOOOEEE REAL AMERICAN HEREOS! GI JOOOEEEE!

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

Yes, if I weren't a Ghostbusters fan, I'd hate this game even more.

Then the wording you're looking for is “the only reason I even liked this game a little bit”, not “the only reason I liked this game as much as I did”. “As much as I did” implies that you like it quite a bit.

If you want my real opinion, the game was ready to ship as is back in October 2008. Someone at Sony got the bright idea to release it with the Blu Ray on the anniversary and thus the game was delayed so that they could “improve the game and polish it”. I would say that VERY little tweaks were made and they just made us wait 8 months for a marketing gimic.

See, now you just look foolish. You have absolutely nothing to back this up and you just proved that that all you want to do is bash the game for whatever reason. That's a shame.

by superstarseven

15 years, 6 months ago

This thread was kind of a joke to begin with, starting with the one post wonder who started it and who apparently hasn't logged in since.
General opinion is usually right a good majority of the time and general opinion states that this game is pretty good. Certainly not ground-breaking but that's okay. Perhaps if there's a video game franchise stemming from the success of this first game, the developer can truly deliver a better experience next time. That should be the goal of any game developer regardless.

Nostalgia can only go so far, no one can force themselves to like something truly unsatisfactory. That just creates resentment. Judging from the more casual fans which can be seen over at the video sharing and Gaming sites, Ghostbusters is a fine game. If mediocrity is present then they'll be the first ones to jump on it, unlike the biased fans that we on the board are, but I already mentioned general/popular opinion and the verdict is in.

by skankerzero

15 years, 6 months ago

everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that's fine.

I'm sure there are plenty of fans and people who absolutely hate this game. There's nothing wrong with that. Can't make everyone happy.

If there's one thing you can't hate about the game is that it's providing a rebirth for the franchise. That in itself should be a reason to love it as a fan.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that's fine.

I'm sure there are plenty of fans and people who absolutely hate this game. There's nothing wrong with that. Can't make everyone happy.

If there's one thing you can't hate about the game is that it's providing a rebirth for the franchise. That in itself should be a reason to love it as a fan.

Well said, skanker.