i would like to buy a pack. . .

by justinmarkus

17 years, 10 months ago

. . .well three to be exact. i wanted to know an approximate price range for 3 “somewhat” accurate proton packs (no lights or sounds). all that really matters is that the packs look believable and look alike. ill even go for RGB-ish packs.

by sonicblaster59

17 years, 10 months ago

$3,000 average go to price…

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

I believe it's illegal to sell completed proton packs. But every now and then you'll find someone that has one for sell but is asking for it at a ridiculously large price.

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

Some are rediculous, but others reflect the sheer amount of work that went into putting them together.

Justin, if RGBish packs are okay have you considered trying to pick up some of the Kenner RGB Proton Packs?

by Frankov

17 years, 10 months ago

I just found this pack on ebay for $800 Buy-it-now (US) :

Ghostbuster Proton pack and extras

Seems nice, has light setup and it comes with a olive green flight.

Too bad I don't have the dough, 'cause I would have bought it right away

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

I believe it's illegal to sell completed proton packs. But every now and then you'll find someone that has one for sell but is asking for it at a ridiculously large price.

really? Can we have some evidence of this? It kinda puts a dampner on my new money-making scheme.

by Frankov

17 years, 10 months ago

The design of the proton pack is probably protected by some copyright law… You probably have to obtain a license from Columbia Pictures to duplicate one.

But I've seen a lot of different packs on Ebay, and so far, none of these auctions were shut down… So, I'm guessing that you can make a prop reproduction as long as you don't start mass producing ‘em.

Then again, I don’t know ANYTHING about copyright laws. I just felt like writing a couple of words.

by Dreamstalker

17 years, 10 months ago

I'd wager that's correct; building one for your own use is OK but as soon as you start selling* and/or mass-producing them without a license, you get dinged.

* Not entirely sure about the selling part of it as I've seen them on ebay, but IIRC unless the copyright holder is a member of ebay's VERO program they can't do much to prevent the sales

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

Hmmm hmm hmm, I'll have to research this more. My plan to pay off my mortgage by supplying the uk with professional paranormal elimination hardware is in jepordy!

by justinmarkus

17 years, 10 months ago

im actually putting together a fanfilm that my cousin wrote
im in charge of the music, editing, special effects, props, storyboards. . .basically anything and everything that doesnt have to do with writing a script lol. the thing is im just no good with making props so i figured it would be easier to buy um. since friday ive raised about $350 selling candy at my school so if i do this for about a month i could have some serious dough for the movie. but from the price ranges you guys are showing me im probably better off trying to make the packs myself.