I would like to make a proposition

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

Flame Wars:

I would like to ask that flame wars be allowed in this forum. The Board Talk forum is about the “politics” and discussions of anything that has to do with this board, yes? Complaints, queries etc, and so on is usually what shoulsd go here, if I am not mistaken. One of the words there is “politics”. Involved in politics, most of the time, is a debate. You can't have a dibate without an arguement. And arguement seems to be what we call a “flame war”. But if we can't start and arguement, we can't speak our minds on certain subjects if we can't argue someone elses point. I mean, sure, we shouldn't get to the point of childish name calling, but even so, if it must be done, it must be done.

pol*i*tics - The often internally conflicting interrelationships among people in a society.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 2 months ago

Vego… we should give up, already. Chad doesn't, and won't, give a shit.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 2 months ago

He does give a shit, it's some of you guys who don't. You continue to bitch and moan for no apparent reason. You wonder why all of us get so pissed off when something else comes up. It's like having the most annoying girl in a class at school, bitch your ear off, with her high pitched shreaky voice, over, and over, and over, and over again with no signs of stopping anytime soon, until your head explodes. It's enough to drive someone crazy. He cares plenty about this place. If he didn't, he wouldn't run it.

I do, however, think that a flame war POST should be allowed. Think about it, a forum, that doesn't make this place look that great. It shows that you're going to be jumping in to a forum full of whiners, no one wants to come to that. I think a post would be a good idea to get people to argue with a no holds barred idea. And I'd make it right now, but, I'd rather we take it up with Chad first. And don't say it's not enough anyone, because it's plenty. You don't need an entire forum for it. And thank you, Vego, for pointing it out in the manner that you have…

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

Well, you see, MS, I am not like PC, Bo, or Vinz here, I wouldn't have started flipping out immediately… but I am not too different in the beliefs. I jsut think this place should at least allow some more flaming. Like, not just one single flamer post, because then you couldn't exactly have only one conversation… there would be many flames going on at once. If you allow this forum to have flames in its topics, then, as i said, we might have stronger arguements… or violent monkeys… either way something might get settled somehow

by sinister1

21 years, 2 months ago

In my opinion flame wars constitute insults and childish name calling. So I would have said no, if by flame wars you mean healthy debates on politician standards, then I'd have said ok. But I'm not Chad.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

Their are already insults and childish name callings floating all over the board. Why not just center it somewhere where it can be controlled. Its like a real fire. You burn it in one spot, you can keep it, and it stays warm and healthy, nice to keep the hands warm. But if you let it go everywhere, it burns the house down. Think about that philosphy.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 2 months ago

I agree. Fully.


by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

but zack, remember when chad came and people were saying stuff outside of here, chad would come and say things like “no politics” lock it, tell us to post in the board talk forum and run off… if i could find a post for it, i would

by EvilToaster

21 years, 2 months ago

Vince, your first post was going perfect until I read this…

And arguement seems to be what we call a “flame war”.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not. There's a fine line between them. Arguments/debates are good. They lead to good things. Flame wars are just open bashing and personal attacks. An example? You've seen flame wars, how about an example of an argument? There's one here right now. You posted one idea, Iain builded on that, Chris Spade added a suggestion, and Zack and Matt added their two cents, all of which are raising different ideas. This thread is a GOOD argument!

P.S. - I like many of the ideas that are being posted in this thread. Let's see what else we can add.

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

People are allowed to have educated debates on these forums, based on fact. Flame wars are the exact opposite of a debate, as they are normally based on blind hatred and opinion, and at the end of the day they often solve nothing.

I am open to debate anyone who is willing to debate me, and I would expect the same from anyone else on this forum. The problem is, many times, the other party looses sight of the debate and starts flaming, based on false accusations, extreme opinion based on hatred, etc.

So, in short, you are free to debate on these forums, but sanctioned flame wars will not be tolerated. This community, started by Bill Emkow has never tolerated it, and never will. Everyone thinks that I have deviated from Bill's original goals when, in fact, I have done nothing other than try and retain them. If you are really in need of using foul language or flaming others, you can go elsewhere. This board is friendly to Ghostbusters fans of all ages, and I have no problems stating that and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.