I would like to make a proposition


21 years, 2 months ago

are you sure ? as it stands now i couldn't cuss you out , so the most i could say wouldn't bother you that much , but lets say i could cuss you out and insult you …you'd remember that , and instead of thinking oh , we disagree , it's oh ,we disagree and then he called me a ( insert insult) i hate that guy , and then it keeps going from there . enough people around here already dislike eachother , why make it so they can do it on a worse level ? you got a problem with someone talk to them on aim or whatever , you can cuss till your fingers are tired . but noone needs to see it here .

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

yeah, you could just argue til your brain's explode. Or, you could just get it all out. In one post. Thats all you could be allowed. You just vent the hell out of your anger in one post. Thats all you do, much like i did above, and look, that settled alot.

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

If i am not mistaken, flaming has nothing to do with “cussing” or anything of that sort. In fact, I think a lot of flame wars happen with the absense of your prescious “cuss” words. You see, I could swear my head off right now, and it wouldn't be a flame war at all. But if you go to the extent of still making stuff up about flame wars and how civilized I am (and I am very civil… i wouldnt kill a man; but i think we should watch you) then we could turn this into one of your mythed flame wars..

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

This may seem like a hollow suggestion, but let's say that we can put them in a seperate board. Now, with this board, for people to do all the flaming they want, they would have to ask for a special code with the Administrator or Moderator. The area would be off-limits to those without the code, therefore eliminating the problem of us seeing it unfold. Again, this would solve the flame problems, or at least some of them, and they can say “Hey you a**hole, let's you and me take it to the Flame” and solve their problems from there. And then, Mods would monitor these flames, so that none of them will get totally out of hand (death threats, etc.).

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

CJ…stop… no offense, but you are like taking my suggestion and turning it into a childs wet dream..


21 years, 2 months ago

give me your definition of a flame war , i'd like to know , because last time i checked a flame war was a bunch of people fighting eachother untill everyone was insulting eachother and it was locked . i'd like an example . also i'd like to know why you think everything i've said so far was directed strictly towards you ? i'm just stating my oppinion

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

When you think about it, a flame war could be many things, all depending on how you look at it. This could be one, if not careful on choice of words. Its all how you look at it, which sometimes is why it is hard to judge one.

by EvilToaster

21 years, 2 months ago

I get what you're saying Bondo, but by simply letting them be in a nicely, moderated, and contained space, these flames will eventually fizzle out and most likely the problems will be resolved. I'm mostly thinking of an experiment I did with fire, by cutting it off from any oxygen, it did fizzle and die out, just like board flames will.

p.s. Glad to hear that things are cool between us now Chris.

Um, I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this, but… why not just set the two people up on AIM or MSN Messenger and let them feud it out there?? If you want to see two people fight put on American Gladiators.

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

I would've thought maybe Ghosthead Deathmatch. Anyway, that's the last thing I'll prolly say on the subject. Vego, would you mind, and no offense taken, explaining what you meant by turning your suggestion into a wet dream?

by Chad

21 years, 2 months ago

I think this is a good example with most of the propositions here. The initial idea might seem good to you at first, but you must follow through and see the whole picture. What do you see this proposition solving or accomplishing?

So, given this specific proposition, what can a sanctioned flame war resolve that a respectable debate cannot? From my experience, nothing. Flaming always makes a situation worse, and further divides the parties involved. I would like to see things resolved on this forum. Less flaming, more conversation, and more getting to the root of the REAL problem at hand. Flaming is just a temporary way to feel better, but hurts the REAL problem at hand.

I'd like this community (meaning the community as a WHOLE) to resolve the issues dividing them instead of making them worse by flaming. I would expect the rest of you to want the same goal. Now, that said, do you really think flaming is the way to achieve this?