I’m tiered of shows that copy others

by BigMac

17 years, 3 months ago

I don’t know if any of you here get annoyed by this but I think too many shows these days copy other shows. For example a new show will come out and if it does well about a month later there will be another show that is based off the same idea but just a little different.

Trading Places – While you were out
Survivor Man – Man vs. Wild
Monster Garage – Pimp my ride and Over Haul
Storm Chasers – Twister Sisters
Deadliest Catch – Lobster Wars
Dog the Bounty Hunter- Bounty Girls
Miami Ink – L.A. Ink
American Choppers – Southern Steel

That’s just some of the shows I can think of right now but I know there are more. Some of you may disagree with this but this is just my opinion.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

It's a awful mix of ‘flavor of the month’ and a lack of originality, even more so with the WGA strike going on… Competing stations/networks do their own version of a show that's proving popular, and keep it up until people are no longer interested and move onto the ‘next big thing’.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 2 months ago

To be fair, its basic programming 101. If a show does well on another network, you copy it.

And I noticed you picked all reality TV shows.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

But it’s annoying that they do that especially how two of the same show play on the same channel. Like Dog the Bounty Hunter will be on then later Bounty Girls. I really hate Survivor Man because I find that show boring and then Man vs. Wild comes on and it’s like the same thing.

Basically the Discovery channel is one of the main channels that pull this copy stuff so I can’t stand that channel anymore.

Court shows really over do it.

Judge Judy – Judge Joe Brown and there are a bunch more I just can’t recall all the names.

by Mat.

17 years, 2 months ago

I dunno, Canada's Worst Driver is awesome, lol! Ranks up there with Canada's Worst Handyman. I actually enjoy the two.

It gives me that happy, goody-warmy feeling inside.

I fail to see the connection between monster garage and pimp my ride, but that could just be me *shrugs*

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

Yeah Monster Garage is pretty different basically I just pointed out that one because I noticed a lot of car make over shows came out after that.

We have those Worst Driver shows where I live too and yeah those shows are cool to watch but I hate most of the shows around here.

The absolute worst show that’s hitting big in my area is Dirty Jobs. All that show does is show some guy cleaning up crap and people love it. Luckily that show has not been copied yet but if it does I’m going to be mad.