ICECC Launches New Web Site

by talien1

20 years, 3 months ago

HOLBROOKLYN, NJ – The International Center for Ethereal Containment and Control (ICECC) recently announced the launching of the official ICECC Web site at The site aims to act as a portal for ghosts and ghost hunting information, combining it all in one easy to find location that will help launch future ghost hunting groups.

The ICECC site contains a Beginner's Guide linking to a wealth of ghost hunting information, Ether-Facts to educate prospective ghost hunters, links to ghost stories, and connections to over a dozen ghost hunting organizations. Featured items include a handy “So You'd Like to…Hunt Ghosts” guide, and links to a quiz and ghost hunting course.

“This Web site is our way of letting the world know that our organization exists,” said Jorge Conesco, President of the Long Island ICECC chapter. “We're not afraid to admit that we hunt down ghosts, shoot beams of energy at them, and stick them in ethereal prisons.”

When asked if the site had any ulterior motives in advertising the D20 Modern RPG supplement “Blood and Spooks: The Ghost Hunter's Guide,” Conesco indicated that the author had offered a “substantial amount” to promote his book but that he doubted it would actually make a profit.

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Founded in Holbrooklyn, New Jersey in 1972, the International Center for Ethereal Containment and Control (ICECC) has the first and only professional parapsychological investigation team of its kind, worldwide. The ICECC team is comprised of the world’s most recognized experts in paranormal field research (including entities, ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist activities, and psychic abilities), combining both scientific, and psionic abilities. Individually and collectively, the ICECC team is the most recognized, televised and respected team of professionals in the field. They are sought after by private clients and media alike, as well as high profile clients like tabloid newspapers, horror writers, and governments who are ashamed to admit that ghosts don’t pay taxes.

To learn more about the ICECC and how you can start hunting ghosts, visit our Web site at

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years, 3 months ago

Cool site man, It would be better if you had more of your own content though, most of your stuff is just links to the International ghost hunter society's website, I know that was sort of your aim, but a little more original content would be cool, but great concept I find it really usefull especially for people who are just starting out or doing research on the topics so good job, check out my site maybe you want to do a link exchange? let me know, keep up the good work.

by talien1

20 years, 3 months ago

Hiya ShadowWeaver,

A link to your site is now listed under “Links” in the bottom left (Paranormal World).


by Shadow_weaveR

20 years, 3 months ago

cool, I'll add you this weekend when I do an update.