I'd like one that is based off The Real Ghostbusters.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

I mean think of all the bosses you could fight. The Boogy Man. Sam Heinn. The thing in Mrs. Favesham's Attic. I could go on and on. It would be really cool if they could do this. Though I don't even know if any of the original voice actors are still alive. I know Lorenzo Music is dead. I don't know if Arseno Hall, Maurice LeMarche, Frank Welker, Dave Coulier, and Laura Summers would want to reprise their roles one last time. It would be cool if they could do this.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

Though I don't even know if any of the original voice actors are still alive. I know Lorenzo Music is dead. I don't know if Arseno Hall, Maurice LeMarche, Frank Welker, Dave Coulier, and Laura Summers would want to reprise their roles one last time. It would be cool if they could do this.

Wait, you said you didn't know if all the voice actors are still alive, yet you just said “I don't know if (insert actor names) would reprise their roles?” A little research would of told you that they are all alive aside from Lorenzo. More than likely they wouldn't have a problem reprising their roles aside from Arseno, who might have a bigger pay check to fill than the others.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 9 months ago

For you reference, with the exception of Lorenzo Music all of the Principle Cast of RGB are still living.

As far as Arseno Hall reprising his role…you'd be better off getting Buster Jones

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

For you reference, with the exception of Lorenzo Music all of the Principle Cast of RGB are still living.

As far as Arseno Hall reprising his role…you'd be better off getting Buster Jones

I think Buster Jones was the best actor recast in RGB. Dave sounded fake and unrealistic, while Buster gave a voice that was like a combination of Ernie of Arenso.

by Zombie

14 years, 9 months ago

I really want to see an RGB game to. Especially after seeing this fanart:

But it seems very unlikely it will happen at this point. The only way I see it happening officially is maybe if the upcoming RGB figures stir up enough public interest for the RGB franchise. And SONY decides to take advantage of that to get a game made.

Otherwise, I think the only way we're getting a Real Ghostbusters game made is through the hands of a devoted fan, one like the creator of the image above. Maybe like a mod to an excisting game or something like that

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

That pic is awesome! Any idea who the artist is?

by Zombie

14 years, 9 months ago

Peter Venkmen;161973
That pic is awesome! Any idea who the artist is?
Here ya go: http://godgundam.deviantart.com/

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 9 months ago

Here ya go: http://godgundam.deviantart.com/

Thanks! Apparently he did a Proton Pack too. Really nice renders. If they ever did a game, he should definitely do the models.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

Peter Venkmen;161954
Wait, you said you didn't know if all the voice actors are still alive, yet you just said “I don't know if (insert actor names) would reprise their roles?” A little research would of told you that they are all alive aside from Lorenzo. More than likely they wouldn't have a problem reprising their roles aside from Arseno, who might have a bigger pay check to fill than the others.
Sorry. I went ahead and looked on imdb.com and then edited my post.

by Venkman582

14 years, 9 months ago

Count me in too, I would love to see a video based off of the Real Ghostbusters.

I never got a chance to play the arcade game made by Data East in the late 1980's and after I saw a YouTube video of just how poor the Game boy RGB game is, a modern game if make right would be loads of fun to play.