I'd like one that is based off The Real Ghostbusters.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 8 months ago

by Zombie

14 years, 8 months ago

That looks great

by JimPhelps

14 years, 6 months ago


Wow, now thats pretty godd@mn impressive. Now that is how I thought a RGB game equipment and characters should look. Too bad the Wii/ps2 version of GB wasn't made in this style.


14 years, 6 months ago

I'd love a current generation video game based on The Real Ghostbusters but I don't think that it'll ever happen.

The developer would have to come to an agreement with Dic for the image rights of the cartoon characters and the inclusion of the incidental music. Then they'd have to get the voice actors from the show back together. They'd also have to come to an agreement with Colombia Pictures for the licence.

I think it would be extraordinarily difficult, but when you condsider what Time Life and Terminal Reality managed to achieve with the DVD collection and the video game it makes the prospect of an all new Real Ghostbusters videogame seem possible.

The major issue which I think it has going against it is that The Real Ghostbusters does not have the popularity or the wide market appeal that the films do and unlike the films, which are pretty much timeless, the cartoon show does feel somewhat dated now. The developers may be put off by these things.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 6 months ago

The developer would have to come to an agreement with Dic for the image rights of the cartoon characters and the inclusion of the incidental music. Then they'd have to get the voice actors from the show back together. They'd also have to come to an agreement with Colombia Pictures for the licence.

Well, technically they'd be coming to an agreement with Sony not Columiba, because Sony owns the Ghostbusters rights. I don't think getting the voice actors back will be THAT much of a problem though, (sans Lorenzo Music and probably Arenso Hall) since most of them are still doing voice work. But if they don't, there's always a chance they'll just get imitators.

The major issue which I think it has going against it is that The Real Ghostbusters does not have the popularity or the wide market appeal that the films do and unlike the films, which are pretty much timeless, the cartoon show does feel somewhat dated now. The developers may be put off by these things.

I wouldn't say the Ghostbusters films are timeless because they definitely do show their age, and when comparing to how films are done now, it would feel dated too just because it's not done that way anymore. That's not a bad thing though.

I'd say the wide market appeal aspect wouldn't apply here much though, because despite Extreme Ghostbusters being limited, it still managed to pull out 3 new console games after the series ended.

I'd say the chance is less likely though only because Sony would be interested in promoting things for the film more than the cartoon series.

Too bad the Wii/ps2 version of GB wasn't made in this style.

Well the game was based on the film.

by StaypuftX

14 years, 5 months ago

It'd be a neat idea, I'd make it either as a “in-between” game bridging the RGB with it's eventual successors the XGB, dealing with their last cases before going into retirement.

OR mixing both RGB with XGB, (post-last XGB episode) and serving as a nice ending cap to the entire continuity with some HUGE apocalyptic event that needs both teams to stop.

by Nix

14 years, 5 months ago

I almost wish we had an RGB game based off the old action figures. That way, you could purchase and add onto the vehicles, equipment, costumes (Regular/Fright Features/Power Pack/Super Fright Features/Screamin' Heroes/Ecto-Glow/Slimed) and battle the ghosts from the toyline.

It'd be a bit like the Lego games for that.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 5 months ago

I almost wish we had an RGB game based off the old action figures. That way, you could purchase and add onto the vehicles, equipment, costumes (Regular/Fright Features/Power Pack/Super Fright Features/Screamin' Heroes/Ecto-Glow/Slimed) and battle the ghosts from the toyline.

It'd be a bit like the Lego games for that.
I don't know. That monster toilet would be hard to beat.

by Nix

14 years, 5 months ago

I don't know. That monster toilet would be hard to beat.

Once you get past all the “Holy S#!t, Batman!” jokes, it shouldn't be all that difficult.:-)