I'd like to see a GB3 where...

by JamieAiken919

18 years, 1 month ago

Hey all!

Okay, so here's my idea for a GB3– The entire original cast would be back, but they wouldn't be fighting this time. What I thought would be kind of cool is if they did a sort of documentary about the Ghostbusters, where they interviewed Peter, Ray, Egon and Winston about their experiences as Ghostbusters.

Maybe not the idea most would think of… but hey, I like to go outside the box! What do you think?


by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Hey all!

Okay, so here's my idea for a GB3– The entire original cast would be back, but they wouldn't be fighting this time. What I thought would be kind of cool is if they did a sort of documentary about the Ghostbusters, where they interviewed Peter, Ray, Egon and Winston about their experiences as Ghostbusters.

Maybe not the idea most would think of… but hey, I like to go outside the box! What do you think?


I don't know… I don't think it'd make for a interesting movie… it'd be the sort of short thing you'd imagine would be a DVD special feature, not a two and a half hour motion picture.

by JamieAiken919

18 years, 1 month ago

I don't know… I don't think it'd make for a interesting movie… it'd be the sort of short thing you'd imagine would be a DVD special feature, not a two and a half hour motion picture.

Yeah, that's true… I had a dream like this, where I was the interviewer (go figure) and I was asking them all kinds of intimate questions.


by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

I was asking them all kinds of intimate questions.

mmm like what? lol :p

by JamieAiken919

18 years, 1 month ago

Heh, I'm not sure you want to know… or rather, I'm not sure I can post them on this board!


by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Here's hoping you're not a guy!

If done in flashbacks it wouldn't be a terrible idea. But if they're just being interviewed for 2 hours and it's just them talking then I'll pass. I'd rather see them on Oprah

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

Heh, I'm not sure you want to know… or rather, I'm not sure I can post them on this board!


buuuuu c'mon!

Julia! Julia! Julia!

by Guido75

18 years, 1 month ago

I want to know!!!!!!!!!!!111

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

I don't think you do.

by fome

18 years, 1 month ago

I do :p