Idea for postin Fan fics

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 6 months ago

I know im not in a team anymore, but I had an idea/ we use the poll device as a rating system, 1-10, 10 best. We just create a Fan Fic section like before, and post the stories there, eh? Well just a thought

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

That's a very intresting idea Chris, though technically would that mean we'd have to create a seperate forum for fics and one topic in that for fic related questions?

by JenSpengler

21 years, 6 months ago

There are good fan sites out there where you can post your fics. If you want your story rated, ask someone to read it and tell you what they think. I think the new community is trying NOT to go the way of GBnet… Viva la Fan Sites!

Perhaps, what we really need, are fan sites that work in conjunction with this board, where you can submit your stuff with the option of ratings by others.

If this happens, I would like to be one of those sites. The Nexus will live again. Perhaps sooner than I thought.

by Ludicris

21 years, 6 months ago

I think Chris has an awesome idea. Though, I think they should get a seperate section for the actual fan fictions that way it could prevent some confusion. It will also give us exposure to those ghostheads who dont go looking for fan fiction hosted sites and maybe hook acouple of those people and get them into fan fiction as well.

by JenSpengler

21 years, 6 months ago

But, ya see, smaller fan sites ARE seperate sections. They too are sites struggling for attention and if they affiliate themselves with this board, then they would be linked and given publicity. You'd only have to go as far as this site's links section.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

I realise sites like Doreen's GBFF were the top of fiction community…but how many fics have been recently posted on Doreen's site? Hell, how many people even know of it? I'd love it that Doreen's site was brought back, but I think it's just too forgotten to carry the fic base. I'm not even sure if she could handle it, if she had a large staff of approvers last time, how many would still be around nowadays?

by JenSpengler

21 years, 6 months ago

You can thank Chad for killing the fan sites.

But I would be willing to offer my site once its back up, Doreen could help if she decided to. Show some love to your fellow ghostheads trying to scratch out a nitch here!

Aren't we trying to rebuild the GB community NOT like GBnet? Aren't we trying to make this place more COMMUNITY FRIENDLY? Which, by the way, means we should allow and encourage people to visit other GB sites, that their fellow board patrons put effort in to to show others how much they love Ghostbusters.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

Yes, the rebuilding and seperation from the old GBN idea is a positive mark, that's why Vince was hoping to set something up away from the Message Board.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 6 months ago

Fellas, Don't be fools. Don't try to make this anything other than a message board. If you do the same thing will happen as what happened before. People will get greedy and it will end up being a One Site Community like Chad was running. That is bad. Don't give me that excuse that “Oh people may not want to go to other places for fics” Well guess what boys, They're either gonna have to learn to or there won't be any fics for them at all. If someone is so lazy that they can't click over to another website for their fan fic needs than it's their own goddamned fault and nobody elses.

This place is going to be a MESSAGE BOARD AND NOTHING ELSE! Get used to it folks, We're not trying to re-create here.

by lordvego1

21 years, 6 months ago

though i think its an AWESOME idea, Chris, I am going to have to go with the mods on this one…we dont wanna make this a corrupt empire …*sniff* no more smileys though