Idea For The No Ghost Logo In GB3...

by slimelord1

21 years, 1 month ago

Not to be used in the movie, but as a promotional image. I just got this thought, if GB3 goes with the plot with the Devil trying to take over the world, maybe as a promotional image, instead of the usual red no Ghost circle, maybe a pentagram could be used? And in the pentagram would be the Ghost and it would look similar to the Ghost used in the original logo, but evil-looking (maybe with Devilish horns and evil eyes). I'm sure most of you don't like this idea, but it's just an idea.

And again, it wouldn't be used in the film, just as a promotional image (on the posters).

by cj1

21 years, 1 month ago

I probably speak for everyone when I say that that idea stinks. Even with it appearing in the promo, you shouldn't mess with a classic formula that worked.

by slimelord1

21 years, 1 month ago

Thought you wouldn't like the idea, even I'm not fond of it myself

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

I think it would be cool for a metal band! There is this one death metal band called Eerie Ln I think or something like that. Anyway they have a song called Positron Glider which is SO totally awesome! That should be their logo!

by slimelord1

21 years, 1 month ago

Is the song Positron Glider or Collider?

BTW Zedd, your avatar is awesome (^_^)

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

Thanks Slime…gotta love the cryptkeeper!!! If he wasn't dead I'd be all over him!
No the song is Positron Glider and it's got bits from the movie in it. Awesome song!

by slimelord1

21 years, 1 month ago

I'll try that song out sometime, thanks for the information.