Idea to help with GB3!


22 years, 8 months ago

My personal idea, I think the should put Ghostbusters 1 and 2 back into theatres and see if they make big money and the people still like it. If so they should then really seriously make a 3rd Ghostbusters. That is what they did when Episodes 4-5 came out and theatres. The public still enjoyed it and they did and are still making new ones. wink Tell Dan Akroyd

-Aykroyd Dan 12425 Otsego Street N. N Hollywood, CA 91607
-Aykroyd Dan 8455 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048
-Aykroyd Dan 9200 Sunset Boulevard Suite 428 Los Angeles, CA 90069
-Aykroyd Dan c/o Creative Artists Agency 9830 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA
I don't know if anyone of them really work. I found it off a sight online. Try it! wink

by PF4Eva

22 years, 8 months ago

It worked for the “Star Wars” trilogy back in january-March, 1997. Therefore, it should work for “GB.”