Ideas for gadgets and equipment in Ghostbusters 3

by matthew1

19 years, 10 months ago

1 PKE watches

2 Headset communicators

3 Remote controlled trap

4 Ectobombs

5 Ecto shield

6 Ectobike

7 Slime suckers

by imported_Ghoulishfright

19 years, 10 months ago

I like your ideas there. What do you mean by ecto shield though? Like a medieval type shield? :p And what are slime suckers?

Here would be my choices;

*Proton Cannon
*Ecto-2 (and -3 while they're at it)
*Modified Proton Packs suitable for underwater
*tracking collars for ghosts
*laser sights mounted on proton guns (so they can aim better!)
*ecto-proof substance, dispensible in blaster form

…maybe I'll think of some others. One thing I was thinking though, do you guys think that ectoplasm from ghosts could contain DNA from the ghosts' (individuals') former bodies/blood types??
If so that could give way for some cool ghostbusting forensic type technology.

by fomeboy

19 years, 10 months ago

wow never thought of stuff like that
those are pretty cool ideas guys :p

by matthew1

19 years, 10 months ago

The ecto shields are mounted on the faces of each proton gun. They can be turned on and off. They are protective forcefields that ectoplasm cannot penetrate.

The slime suckers are powerful hoovers that suck up ectoplasm which is left over after a bust. The Ghostbusters charge extra for this service.

The ectobombs are devices which when detinated send out a powerful surge of proton energy. The proton energy can be adjusted to match the frequency of the PKE. Its timer can also be adjusted. These bombs are not deadly to humans but do resinate a blinding light and huge noise which can damage the ears.

The Ectobike is an ex police bike. It is a two seater motorbike which has been modified so that a proton pack can be connected to either side at the back. There is also PKE meter next to the speedometer. Used when the ecto 1 is out on a call. Very good for weaving in and out of traffic on an emergency call.

by Brendan_M

19 years, 10 months ago

I think a combinated of a proton pack that also shoots mood slime simotaniously. but that's just me.

by d_osborn

19 years, 10 months ago

I think a combinated of a proton pack that also shoots mood slime simotaniously. but that's just me.

i think a ‘modernized’ version of the packs would be seen. equipment adapted for certain situations. with aykroyd, there would no doubt be some heavy factual physics-based contraptions. then, of course, the “ECU-on-wheels” mentioned in a review of the first draft…

by matthew1

19 years, 10 months ago


A robot made by Egon Spengler that seeks out and traps ghosts.

Ghost solidifier

A beam of positive energy is shot at the ghost which makes it incapable of passing through walls. However it does not last long.

X - Ray goggles

The ghostbusters can now see through walls in order to find out where the ghosts are hiding.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 10 months ago


A robot made by Egon Spengler that seeks out and traps ghosts.

Ghost solidifier

A beam of positive energy is shot at the ghost which makes it incapable of passing through walls. However it does not last long.

X - Ray goggles

The ghostbusters can now see through walls in order to find out where the ghosts are hiding.

Ectobot, wasn't that done in the comics?

X - Ray goggles

Peter Venkman can now see through clothing of female interests. You know that's what he'd use it for.

by Pizzaguy

19 years, 5 months ago

How about that “super powerful” prototype Ghostrap that was in the RGB episode Ghostfight at The O.K. Corall, they should also use the helicopter. Also they should use the Tri-pod traps more in the third movie!!! :-) (*peter)

by matthew1

19 years, 5 months ago

Ectoplasmic Tank

A huge container connected to the back end of the Ecto 1's roof. it as a suction hose connected to it for sucking up and storing large quantities of ectoplasmic residue.

Ghost Magnet

An electronic device which eminates a buzzing noise and a strange smell which only certain classes of ghosts find irresistable. Once the ghost is within distance it cannot get away. The electromagnetic energy pulls in the ectoplasmic energy and holds it there until a ghostbusters arrives to trap it.