Ideas for Ghostbusters

by chrisassaf

16 years, 10 months ago

Aliyah doesn't seem a lot like a Puritan name.


by devilmanozzy1

16 years, 10 months ago

chris assaf
Here are my list of ideas below for ghostbusters, in terms of episodes! See if you like it.
Ok now for feedback….
chris assaf
1.) “Aliyah!” A new ghost is tagging along, a ghostly puritan girl named Aliyah! Slimer is jealous.
Not doing it for me. Victor was the name of the ghost.
chris assaf
2.) “Ghosts can't Do That on Television” tHe guys get called to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to deal with the ghosts of kid actors.
Canada nope, and the idea is way too far off the map. Also there are 2 RGB shows about cartoons already.
chris assaf
3.) “World Sprit Federation” A wrestling promoter calls the ghostbusters to rid him of the ghosts of pro wrestlers.
That one sounds like a possible one.
chris assaf
4.) “Ghost Quest” Slimer loves computer games! While Slimeris playing a computer game, a contraption of Egon's malfunctions and zaps Slimer, causing him to switch places with a computer game character.
Could work I guess, but the slimer switch thing has been over done already.
chris assaf
5.) “Gamers” Machines around New York have been acting pretty weird lately. The reason; Ghost gamers!
That one works pretty good. However there needs to be a reason, and a major ghost behind this. The return of Mr. Ugly?!
chris assaf
6.) “The Tari” The guys get called to the Phillipines to deal with strange occurences.
Not enough to work with here. Explain.
chris assaf
7.) “Atten-Shun!” The guys get called to Toronto, Ontario, canada to deal with the ghosts of two prank-loving soldiers. Slimer goes through basic training.
Toss out the whole canada thing again, and drop the prank-loving soldiers part, and replace with a ghost of a soldier that is hunting the base for some reason and the ghostbusters have to figure out why.
chris assaf
8.) “Ghosts & Leotards” Janine's neice, a gymnast, is visiting New York. She has a problem. A ghost gymnast is troubling her!!!
Too much that is unlikely to happen at once. Lets change a few things,
the neice is introduced have been in n.y. and she is heading for a major show, however the stage is haunted.
chris assaf
9.) “Game ON!” Ad Avis, a computer game villain from Quest for Glory, comes to life and turns everyone in New York into cartoon pictures. Now, it is up to Ray and Slimer to save the day..
Nope this sounds too close to the “Gamers” idea. That and it isn't as interesting.
chris assaf
10.) “Hard Times” A ghost correctional officer is chasing a teenaged ghost prisoner named Alexandra. When he fails to catch her, he captures Slimer instead. Now, it is up to the guys to save her.
The idea isn't really grabbing me.
Ok you have 4 ideas that seem they could work with alot of work:
“World Sprit Federation”
“Ghosts & Leotards”
Now what do you think?

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

chris assaf
Aliyah doesn't seem a lot like a Puritan name.


And this is english for, please don't type all in caps. :p

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

chris assaf
Aliyah doesn't seem a lot like a Puritan name.


I see… but I thought the Puritans were Protestants, not Jewish? If that's the case then giving a Protestant a Jewish name, whilst interesting is apocryphal to the time period.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 10 months ago

Actually, I think a lot of Puritans did have Hebrew, or rather Biblical, names. Kind of like the Amish do (Jebidiah, Abraham, Mordecai, Isaiah, etc.). I mean, Puritans were mainly Anglo/Saxon, sure, but the Holy Bible is of course full of Hebrew-ish names, not Anglo/Saxon names, so there ya go.

…Anyway, back to this topic. I'm not sure I understand the point. What are you “pitching” these ideas for, Assaf? RGB was cancelled quite a while ago. Is this for some fan fiction or something? Why not just write it out then? This seems like a lame use of creative energy, no offense.