ideas for materials for a lightweight pack...

by back

23 years, 3 months ago

Im thinking of building another pack for next halloween but im looking for some material ideas that i could place on a wood base. i still do require my batteries, theres no way around that. i dont really want to have to create a hollow pack (i like it to be able to take a beating). any suggestions?
im gone.


23 years, 3 months ago

Norm's Plans come to mind, and it pretty cheap when you consider your building such a good replica of a proton pack, i did the adding and it came out to be about $129.13, witch i consider pretty good. And fom what i hear it will hold together too(im building mine now). Or you can try useing Last Minute Guide To Proton Pack Construction by Got Maul, that one is even cheaper and looks pretty good, and it can light up ass well, it's made out of very sturdy stuff, so i'd go with either one wink