“I don't believe it! I think we're witnessing a case of otherwordly possession!”
Ray Stantz has never seen such a thing! Not even considering this is after GBII in continuity! When he, himself, experienced otherwordly possession!
Alright, I know that is just me being nit picky but come on– they're the Ghostbusters. Otherworldy Possession to them is the equivalent of taking out your Garbage. It happens once a week and can be kind of annoying if the trash can stinks.
Other than that I think this looks like a lost, mis-colored NOW! comics Real Ghostbusters issue. As far as the artwork goes I'm disappointed by the lack of detail in the linework, specifically on the first page with the city scapes. I'm kinda perturbed that with all of the talent working in the industry today we're getting some bargin bin artwork and what, so far, appears to be some exceptionally weak dialogue. Its only 5 pages but so far this feels like knockoff Ghostbusters rather than, ugh, real Ghostbusters.
Nothing like stumbling out of the gate and hitting your teeth on a rock on the way down 'boys.