IDW Infestation

by Kingpin

14 years, 2 months ago

Even Slimer and Stay Puft are terrified of the zombies.

by StaypuftX

14 years, 2 months ago

Vigo the Carpathian;168010
slimer has hair

well he kinda did in the early movie concept arts… >.>;;

by UltimateGBfan

14 years, 1 month ago

oh god… MORE freakin' zombies?!?!? Hasn't this been used enough already in the world of comics!??! First they bring zombies into Marvel Comics, (besides their Horror-related characters) then the Star Wars universe, and now the Transformers, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, and GI JOE are going to be fighting ZOMBIES?!

LAME. e_e

Just so ya know, zombies have happened before in the Transformers universe, check the TF wiki.

Kind of looking forward to this, I doubt I will buy all of the issues, probably just the TF and GB ones.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years ago

I picked up Infestation #1 last night and read through it.

As we expected, it seems to start in the ZvR universe, but I think they did a good job explaining the characters for those of us new to that universe. I thought the art and story were pretty good. The work on the zombies is great. They look really creepy. It works as a set up story to the rest of the cross-overs.

There are then 2-page previews from the first issue of each of the cross overs.

Regarding the GB preview - I looks like they have reworked Winston's particle thrower. It now looks like a movie version of Kylie's EGB thrower. But it looked like the one on Egon's pack was the regular one. I'll be interested to see the story behind it.

Overall, I'm really looking forward to this and will probably buy one of each, just to see how they treat Zombies in each of the different realms.

by Kingpin

14 years ago

I looks like they have reworked Winston's particle thrower. It now looks like a movie version of Kylie's EGB thrower. But it looked like the one on Egon's pack was the regular one. I'll be interested to see the story behind it.

I have to say, despite the limited views so far from just the preview, I rather like it. Yet another interesting prop to replicate.

by LawgSkrak

14 years ago

Can't wait to get these. Should come in next week some time.

by Kingpin

14 years ago

Ghostbusters: Infestation #1 and #2 aren't due for publication until March 9th and 23rd respectively.

by GBSales

13 years, 11 months ago

Wondering if anyone as any specific details regarding the 250 bonus covers dapper dan and other created. Were only 250 total released or are there 250 printed multiple times that were sent out? Also, anyone know of anywhere sellung them or does anyone have any they would be willing to sell?

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

My understanding is that they are 250 unique covers, only one of each in existance, and probably scattered amongst the bigger orders that've been placed directly with IDW.

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 11 months ago

Let me just say I LOVED GB:Infestation #1. This is by far some of the best writing I've seen out of IDW's comic books yet.

The artwork I thought was superb, the zombies were gruesome and the character likenesses of the Ghostbusters were as close as legally possible.

Janine's scene was well done too.

All in all I loved this book and anxiously await #2.

And I love the explanation of how Stay Puft was released from the containment unit