IDW opens Ghostbusters forum!

by Trist

13 years, 8 months ago

Not to draw away from this particular board, because I've come to think you guys have a great thing set up over here, but Tom just informed me that IDW've opened up a Ghostbusters forum over on their boards as well! Hopefully you'll all swing over there at some point, too, as it'll definitely be the best place for you guys to touch base with other comic fans that aren't necessarily part of the hardcore fan base (some you may be able to convert and draw over here wink ), as well as IDW editorial and the creative team more regularly.

Head on over and take a look, and spread the word too! Would be great to see more fans talking under the one roof, rather than split across a number of different websites wink

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 8 months ago

This is good news. I signed up over there when they first started doing GB and found if hard to find the GB topics. Glad it's going to get its own section now.

by Trist

13 years, 8 months ago

So, get postin' down there! wink