If anyone has the cartoon in Grade A quality I will transfer it to DVD for you for free

by ghostbusters2k1

21 years, 10 months ago

Yep thats right if anyone has the full series in Grade A quality I will transfer it to dvd and give you free copies. Does anyone meet this standard if so email me at bobby@fastfreedom.net

by obiwan176

21 years, 10 months ago

I have already tried to do this for people but I have yet to have someone come forward with a set. I find it hard to believe that there are no fans here that have a good set that want them on DVD. If I can get a set I will be giving them out for free because I do not feel that true fans should have to pay for stuff like this. I f I do get a set I will let you know and if you could do the same I would appreciate it. My e-mail is obiwan176@netzero.net

by Mat

21 years, 10 months ago

maybe they don't want too send a complete stranger their whole collection, ever thought of that?

by sg1star

21 years, 10 months ago

id help u out but i alreayd ahve all the eps on dvd thanks to my one firend lending me his copys (i had to edit out the comercials but other then that everthing was gr8..well there was eps missing but i was lucky enofe to find that on the net) and thansk to my bro in law he put them on dvd for me after i created the interactive menus for them, took me 14 dvds (i edited out the begning of them but left it in. in other words when the dvd starts it playes the intro then goes into the animatid menu where u choose what ep u want to watch.) if i dident it would ahve took around 17 dvds i also got the egb and working on getting the srgb on dvd

by Mat

21 years, 10 months ago

or they already have them

by obiwan176

21 years, 10 months ago

I find it really weird that all I seem to see on this site from fellow ghostheads is negativity and distaste for others. After reading some of the comments here and in It's coming thread I can't believe what I have seen. This is the one place in the world where Ghostbusters fans should be able to go to trade ideas and have some fun but I see peole usind unauthorized art for there own use (which I find really strange because once again this is the one site where stuff like that should be safe from pilaging). I don't mean any disrespect but I joine just a couple of months ago and it seems like a lot of negativity going around and this si the one place where people should be able to trust each other. We all want to experiance Ghostbusters with the good not the bad.

by NewWorldOrder

21 years, 10 months ago

i have a full video of the cartoons from when i was 5, with the commericals and everything, thers about 6-7 episodes on them, ranging from the cheap Slimmer and the real ghostbusters, to the super cool and dark episode when they were in paris and the one where they are the Crime Busters, and a few others. I can make a copy of it, just email me.