If anyone is using a camera type flash on their GB props please take caution...
by back
23 years ago
Many people in our wonderful world have the unfortuneate disability of Epilepsy and in some cases of this medical condition flashes from cameras, stobe lights or even computer screens can trigger seizures of the body & mind and belive me its very not cool. so please place warning labels on your pack, trap or anything else that may produce the flash(e's). thank you. im gone.
by ecto-3
23 years ago
That is very true, and then again here is another safety tip: Dont point your neutrona wand at a living being!! Very bad results
“Thanks for the safety Tip Egon”
by RoboProp
23 years ago
Total protonic reversal. …thats' bad!
by back
23 years ago
Thanks for the note guys. im gone.
by EctoErnie
23 years ago
And Guys, I don't know if I can stress this enough…Please…PLEASE Don't cross the streams!
And Back, your tip is taken into concideration (right terms?) I'm a lifeguard and last summer, even though I wasn't the rescuer, I had seen a Seizure take place from Low Blood Sugar so I immagine the eppisode is similar.
by Edimasta
23 years ago
by EctoErnie
23 years ago
IT would be bad….try and immagine all life as you know it stopping intantaniously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
P.S. Trying to prove me wrong would not go well I assure you
by PeterKong
22 years, 11 months ago
ok, now that's bad. Important safety tip. But wait, what about crossing webbing with the particle stream?
by Ghostbuster505
22 years, 11 months ago
Ok, allright, important safety tip, thanks alot back.
by ecto-3
22 years, 11 months ago
There must be a rule or regulation in the Ghostbusters international equipment logs prohibiting discharging your pack unless completely neccesary, in otherwords don't go around public places shooting particle streams at living beings!