If GB3 is made, what logo should they go with?

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

Nah, it wouldnt do, I was just beeing sarcastic about that for a movie

However I would love to have a patch made of it to go on my uniform, then next time someone made fun of the props/suit I wear, just make a slight turn to were they could see the patch, LOL

Man I went to the mall a couple years ago and will never do it again, those people laughed and made fun of me, Who else in here has been made fun of before for wearing ghostbuster props??????

Does any one know of any one who could make this patch??? I see theryre are some sellers on ebay that will make custom name tags

by rodie1

16 years ago

Dude it's the mall, everyone there is 15-16 and make fun of anyone who doesn't look like a Jonas brother or Hannah Montana lol.

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

Yeh good point, kids these days are rude! They dont respect the art, or the hobby and I'm really glad I got into it, it teaches you alot

Building your own GB prop can be like the idea to the super 8 motel commercial, Hey I stayed at a super 8 motel last night, I can do anything, lol

Man after building my proton pack, I learned a few new skills and a couple weeks later I put new windows in my shop without help!(*peter)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Man I went to the mall a couple years ago and will never do it again, those people laughed and made fun of me, Who else in here has been made fun of before for wearing ghostbuster props??????

Ok, while I agree that kids today are rude and obnoxious… you need to clarify. Was it just a random Tuesday that you went to the mall wearing your props, or was it like Halloween or whatever? Cuz random day, I can kinda see why some people might think its a little odd. After all, it is sorta like playing dress up for no reason.

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

I went Halloween night, went in to the hobby shop at the mall were those guys play those card games with the little figures and they loved the outfit, some guy approached me that owned his own construction company and was tryin to hire me after I told him I built the pack, lol

If any one ever wanted to get into construction work here, just show them your ghostbuster props, they'll hire you on the spot most likely..:-)

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I went Halloween night, went in to the hobby shop at the mall were those guys play those card games with the little figures and they loved the outfit, some guy approached me that owned his own construction company and was tryin to hire me after I told him I built the pack, lol

If any one ever wanted to get into construction work here, just show them your ghostbuster props, they'll hire you on the spot most likely..:-)

Ok, thanks for the clarification.

Don't let a bunch of teenage punks who hate anything that isn't mainstream get you down though.

by ilikethecoke

16 years ago

If it was made shortly after Ghostbusters 2, then I would have wanted the 3-fingered symbol.

But since it's been so long in-between, I think they should go with the original.

by theo1361

16 years ago

How about the ok sign the index and thumb together forming a circle and the mid finger ring finger and pinkie up?

by RealmMan

16 years ago

How about the ok sign the index and thumb together forming a circle and the mid finger ring finger and pinkie up?

Unfortunately, that's an obscene gesture in some cultures. I think it's supposed to mean “@$$#013” or something of the like.

by theo1361

16 years ago

Unfortunately, that's an obscene gesture in some cultures. I think it's supposed to mean “@$$#013” or something of the like.

your right damn I forgot that and to think i did that to people while i was in Iraq im stupid lol