If GB3 is made, what logo should they go with?

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Will somebody hose you down! I'm not doing anything wrong! There using the GB2 with a third finger for the GB3 logo when the movie gets made. They need to make the third finger bigger so that the logo will look like the GB3 logo. Do you understand? Relax and calm down because the movie is coming and the 4 GB's will be in the movie training a new team to help them out. The Imdb wouldn't be lying and neither would I. The movie is set for a 2010 release and filming will began in 2009 and that's very Cool!

by Kalonthar

16 years, 5 months ago

How could I resist (to do a bad drawing)… Edit: I take that last part back, it gets better the more I look at it.

by heslimedme251

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129181
Will somebody hose you down! I'm not doing anything wrong! There using the GB2 with a third finger for the GB3 logo when the movie gets made. They need to make the third finger bigger so that the logo will look like the GB3 logo. Do you understand? Relax and calm down because the movie is coming and the 4 GB's will be in the movie training a new team to help them out. The Imdb wouldn't be lying and neither would I. The movie is set for a 2010 release and filming will began in 2009 and that's very Cool!

Please…stop…my head is about to explode!

Do you need to reiterate something about 4 or 5 times in a single post. I get it, they have to make the finger bigger for a 3. Oooo….GB3 is coming out in 2010. I GET IT….I'M FREAKING EXCITED. Just drop it…please, for Venkman's sake!

As for the bad drawing Kalonthar….I LOVE IT! Heh.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

How could I resist (to do a bad drawing)…

This thread can officially be locked, we've found the winner!

Seriously, that's great!

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago

I kind of like this one I made a while ago since it's mixed with the original logo:

The III makes it look like the ghost is “behind bars”.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129181
There using the GB2 with a third finger for the GB3 logo when the movie gets made. They need to make the third finger bigger so that the logo will look like the GB3 logo. Do you understand? Relax and calm down because the movie is coming and the 4 GB's will be in the movie training a new team to help them out.

How do you know that they're going to use the ‘three finger logo’? How do you know it's a certainty, they could as easily go with an original creation, or use the logo from the first film.

In fact they might have to use a logo other than the ‘three finger’ one because they might avoid using it in case someone claiming to be the person who created it decided to sue them.

Ghostbusters3will rock; 129181
The Imdb wouldn't be lying and neither would I

I'll say this one more time, but I doubt you'll get it. IMDb frequently does lie, whether intentionall or note. It can give you false information either because it was erronious to begin with, because IMDb is fan edited, and because it's fan edited the information could be put up there to deliberately fool people. Not everyone on the internet has the best intentions or tells the truth.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129181
Blah blah blah blah blah

IMDB is essentially Myspace for people in the movie industry, that's why a lot of no-name actors and actresses have pictures on their profiles rather than a lot of the big-name celebrities who don't.

Thanks for proving my signature, jackass.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

I like GB Rob's GB3 logo it looks very Cool! I also like the GB2 logo with the 3rd finger so that will also be very cool to use for the GB3 movie. They have to make the GB3 logo look like a three because they have to make the third finger bigger to look like a three because having the 3rd number small doesn't look good so they will have to make it bigger to look like the GB3 logo and it looks very good!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129237
I like GB Rob's GB3 logo it looks very Cool! I also like the GB2 logo with the 3rd finger so that will also be very cool to use for the GB3 movie. They have to make the GB3 logo look like a three because they have to make the third finger bigger to look like a three because having the 3rd number small doesn't look good so they will have to make it bigger to look like the GB3 logo and it looks very good!

Yea guys…. LIKE THIS!

Clearly we can't tell there's a third finger up unless its HUGE!

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

I far prefer the classic no ghost logo. There's never been any need to mess around with it.