If GB3 is made, what logo should they go with?

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129923
You know Chad I didn't do anything wrong at all and Banning me for a week is very stupid of you. I've read many different GB3 websites and it says GB3 2010 release and Why would I make it up. You said it's fine to be excited about GB3 then you banned me for a week Why? You should banned other people because they don't belive me at all and that makes me very upset. I'm not a liar about this because I know better then that. On the movieweb it says GB3 2010 release. Then on the GB3 Imdb it says the samething GB3 a 2010 release. Please read the other Info because I am telling you the truth about GB3 a 2010 release and from the Imdb it says that GB3 is a GO and that's Wonderful news! GB3 will be here in 2 years and the movie will be a #1 hit at the Theater in 2010!

You keep talking as if Ghostbusters III has been confirmed. It hasn't. All that has happened is Sony Columbia have hired two writers to come up with a script. Once the script is written, Sony together with the actors will need to decide if it is good enough and whether or not they want to go ahead with it. If Sony together with the makers of the movie agree to it then yes it will probably be made but it is not confirmed. They are simply playing with the idea of a third movie at this stage.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ya know… I was just wondering when we were going to head down this road again. Haha How little difference a week makes, even if the week itself was a pleasant one.

Anyways, on topic, I vote they use the original logo. You can't go wrong. People will understand it's GBIII. Don't need it on the car and uniforms too. Just my opinion.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129923
You said it's fine to be excited about GB3 then you banned me for a week Why?

He suspended you because you can't control your enthusiasm for Ghostbusters 3 and despite numerous requests, you continued to make double posts.

Ghostbusters3will rock;129923
You should banned other people because they don't belive me at all and that makes me very upset.

People aren't banned from here for the sole reason they don't believe you and upset you. The board does not operate to soley cater for your whims and pleasures.

And finally, as Dan noted, it doesn't do you any good to say the decision of the forum admin was stupid, especially when you've only just gotten back from being suspended.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Well I didn't do anything wrong at all! Banning me for a week is very stupid! I'm not a liar at all because Bill Murray said that he's ready to do a GB3 and there's the proof right there. I don't care if you don't belive me because why would I lie? The movie is coming in 2010 and that's great and Bill has already said that the script is being made from the writers from the office. Why would I lie about that? Kingpin mind your own business you don't know anything at all! I'm not a liar here you are! I told you many times that the movie will be here in 2010 and you've called me a liar your a stupid retard who needs help and how old are you because your acting like a 5 year old! The Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I so you and all of you will feel very stupid in 2010 because the movie Ghostbusters 3 will kick your butt! You know that I'm right because you don't want to say it because you think you know everything and you don't. In 2010 GB3 will kick your @ss!

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129957
Well I didn't do anything wrong at all! Banning me for a week is very stupid! I'm not a liar at all because Bill Murray said that he's ready to do a GB3 and there's the proof right there. I don't care if you don't belive me because why would I lie? The movie is coming in 2010 and that's great and Bill has already said that the script is being made from the writers from the office. Why would I lie about that? Kingpin mind your own business you don't know anything at all! I'm not a liar here you are! I told you many times that the movie will be here in 2010 and you've called me a liar your a stupid retard who needs help and how old are you because your acting like a 5 year old! The Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I so you and all of you will feel very stupid in 2010 because the movie Ghostbusters 3 will kick your butt! You know that I'm right because you don't want to say it because you think you know everything and you don't. In 2010 GB3 will kick your @ss!

The fact that you're saying Ghostbusters III will be here in 2010 is a lie. It may well turn out that way but the fact that you are stating it as fact when it has not been confirmed means that what you have said is a lie. It is simply a guess that may well come true.

Yes a script is being written but that does not mean the film will be made. All that has happened is that Sony have hired two script writers to produce a script for a third Ghostbusters film. If the script turns out to be good enough and all parties concerned agree on the story then Sony will most probably take the next logical step and try to sign the actors and hire all the other people necessary for making the movie.

So to cut a long post short, this film has not been confirmed. It may be greenlit. It may not. Right now things are looking promising and the reality of third Ghostbusters film being made is probably better than it's ever been but stop stating it as fact.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129957
Well I didn't do anything wrong at all!

Yes you did, there are few circumstances where double posting is alright and the times you double posted weren't acceptable. You need to learn to put the whole message you want to convey into one post. Not half of it in one post, and the other post straight after it.

Ghostbusters3will rock;129957
Banning me for a week is very stupid!

No it wasn't. It was an attempt by the Administrator of this forum to get you to calm down and take some time to think about why you're not winning many friends here. Sad to say it looks like you haven't considered why you were suspended. Furthermore, you were SUSPENDED, not banned. If you'd been banned you wouldn't be here.

Ghostbusters3will rock;129957
Kingpin mind your own business you don't know anything at all!

As long as I'm getting complaints about your actions then it is my business as a Moderator.

Ghostbusters3will rock;129957
your a stupid retard who needs help and how old are you because your acting like a 5 year old!

If I see you using a variation of the above sentence directed toward anyone I will be submitting your name for further disciplinary action. You do not have the right to call anyone a stupid retard because they don't agree with you.

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

Join us again after this short commercial break where we'll be asking the question “What logo should they use for Ghostbusters III?”. We'll see you in three!

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, as the OP I'd be more then thrilled to see this locked.

by PhilHos

16 years, 5 months ago

The fact that you're saying Ghostbusters III will be here in 2010 is a lie. It may well turn out that way but the fact that you are stating it as fact when it has not been confirmed means that what you have said is a lie. It is simply a guess that may well come true.

Yes a script is being written but that does not mean the film will be made. All that has happened is that Sony have hired two script writers to produce a script for a third Ghostbusters film. If the script turns out to be good enough and all parties concerned agree on the story then Sony will most probably take the next logical step and try to sign the actors and hire all the other people necessary for making the movie.

So to cut a long post short, this film has not been confirmed. It may be greenlit. It may not. Right now things are looking promising and the reality of third Ghostbusters film being made is probably better than it's ever been but stop stating it as fact.

Just to add to Matthew's point, I remember way back in my first year of married life about rumors of Lucas and Spielberg and Ford wanting to do another Indiana Jones movie. I got real excited when I found out they were actively looking for a scriptwriter. This was in 1999. Guess when Indy 4 (the working title way back then) came out?

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

Absolutely. Thousands upon thousands of scripts are written and submitted to hollywood every year. Only a select few are eventually made into movies and that's almost always after several rewrites from the script writers. There have also been many sequel scripts written to popular films which have never been made so just because Ghostbusters III is being written it does not for one moment mean that we are definately going to get a another sequel.

I just hope that whatever happens, whether the film is made or not, we get the chance to read what Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg came up with. It should be a very interesting read.