If GB3 was realistic CGI like new Beowulf movie

by ghostbusterraystantz

17 years, 4 months ago

If anyone has seen the trailer for Beowulf, my friends and I had a hard time debating whether it was CGI or not. I found out it was, but it was so realistic. If that same realistic cgi (same quality as Beowulf) treatment was done with Ghostbusters 3, I think the movie would kick ass at the box office.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 4 months ago

Keep in mind that it probably cost tons of money and couple of years to make it.

by Kingpin

17 years, 4 months ago

Keep in mind that it probably cost tons of money and couple of years to make it.

When dealing with hypotheticals deadlines and time limits need not apply.

I don't know if it'd kick ass at the box office, as there'd still be those who might think “CGI? CGI is for kids!” but I believe that it being a Ghostbusters movie, and possibily having the full cast would mean it wouldn't do too badly.

by batman2

17 years, 4 months ago


NEW! Uncensored Internet Trailer HD 720P (98.3Mb) (right click link and choose save taget as)

I think it could be great, considering that Dan said with it being CGI they could do loads of things that would be to expensive to shoot the traditional way.

by protonslinger1

17 years, 3 months ago

The thing you don’t realize about Robert Zemeckis use of CGI is that all the actors are just as involved as if it were a live action film. They just don’t have to get into wardrobe. They don’t just ask Tom Hanks (Polar Express) or Angelina Jolie (Beowulf) if they can use there likeness.

So if they were to make a Ghostbusters III that same way, we would still probably end up with Bill Murray, reluctant to get involved.