if i fix the gb equipment correctly, will it really work?

by flynn

22 years, 7 months ago

To answer your question, if you make the equipment correctly (not necessarily what appears in the films) it will work. Now figuring out how to make it CORRECTLY is the hard part. wink

by ecto-3

22 years, 7 months ago

Think of all that radiation coming from the pack if you were to fire that stream at something, it could be hazardous to your health and others around you. wink

by borzou99

22 years, 7 months ago

and all “_ray” wanted was a simple proton pack…look at all the replies, dear lord.

by Frankenstein

22 years, 7 months ago

For a real proton pack, you would need Carbon 14. It is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5,730 years. It is a whole lot eaiser to get your hands on this than any other radioactive isotope.

by ecto-3

22 years, 7 months ago

Nice….. smile