If MIB2 does good better chance for GB3

by Movies205

22 years, 8 months ago

Look hope it does good because if it does. Then other sequel be green lighted. The more sequels that make money the more sony green lights. Think about it. I'm def. going see MIB2 for this reasson and I Want to see it.


22 years, 8 months ago

I think that is true hopefully sony sequels do well so they green light ghostbusters 3 and I am also going to see it.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

Bill Murray won't agree to GB3, and he has part ownership, so how do you explain that?

And even if Sony got around this, do you really want a new GB movie with unfamiliar characters? I don't.

by Texasgb

22 years, 8 months ago

If would not hurt the chances for GB3 if MIB2 does well. Due to the fact that Bill Murray only controlls 20% of the franchise I do not see how he could stop GB3 if sony sides with Aykroyd. On the other hand they will probably never agree to the $120 million budget Aykroyd wants. From sony's point of view GB3 would have to make big time money for it to even break even because Aykroyd, Murray, and Reitman controll so much of the rights an would get so much of the gross. If they all together controll 40% that means the movie would have to make near $200 million before sony even broke even at a budget of $120 million. I think the movie has great potential and would make a lot. Sony does not want to risk it. Aykroyd stated “Spend 120 make 500.”

by Zack

22 years, 8 months ago

or they could see the need for a MIB3 smile


by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

Considering MIB2's budget was a whopping $97 Million, Sony should have no problem shelling out megabucks for GB3.

But if Sony, as you say, sides with Dan, they still have to have full consent. Otherwise there would be legal action. That's why we don't have a GB3 right now. I wonder sometimes if Sony said okay to a GB3 finally but because Bill said no, it didn't happen.

by Movies205

22 years, 8 months ago

Bill Murry own %20 of the rights wow! I didn't know that. Well he doesn't have to star in it just get royalties. And I doubt Bill would go against it if he was bound to get money but then again who knows. I do hope though MIB2 does well and doesn't go the GB2 way.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

That's just it, Movies, he hasn't agreed to just take royalties. he thinks that the Ghostbusters movies, as well as his own character have gone as far as they can go.

That's why he won't agree. That's why it won't be made.

by Zack

22 years, 8 months ago

I think ultimately Bill just doesn't want Ghostbusters to become something it shouldn't…he already feared the second one would fail…I don't think he's willing to take another chance on it.


by Ectoman

22 years, 8 months ago

If you guys want, I can go down to the ball park wearing my Ghostbusters get-up, and talk to Bill Murray..

(Its better than a petition).