If or When GB3 comes out, who would you put on the soundtrack?

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 7 months ago

Well I'm not really new, but I guess you could say I am. Anyway I was just wondering what groups/ singers, everyone would put on the GB3 album. I have a couple of songs in mind, but i dont know who sings them, so any feedback on this post would be appreciated. O and one more question where can I find Ghostbsuter Sims Skins?

Thought I'd change the title of the thread, that way there can be no more people saying there isnt going to be a GB3 soundtrack b/c there isnt going to be a GB3. So I put if or when!!


Update- 1/3/03

by Flash1087

22 years, 7 months ago

I want Incubus to re-do the Ghostbusters theme song, and try http://www.thesimsresource.net

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

I don't think we all could agree on a track list. It's kind of pointless too because most soundtracks today don't have music that's relative to the movie. The soundtrack for “Spider-Man” only is a great cd but only the song “Hero” is relevant to the movie. It has to be all rock though.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 7 months ago

I have a long list of people I'd put on a soundtrack to GB3:

Britney Spears (Original songs and a cover of the GB theme song w/Dan Aykroyd and Styx)

Dan Aykroyd (A spoof of the Nod Ya Head song)

I could write/sing a few tunes

Styx (new, original tunes)

Iron Butterfly (Same; In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida)

Chad Kroeger



Limp Bizkit


Vanilla Ice

The former New Kids on the Block (solo)

Kid Rock

Led Zeppelin (“Stairway to Heaven”)

Gary Glitter (“Rock and Roll Part 2”)

Jethro Tull (“Aqualung”)

Ray Parker Jr. (Original songs; GB theme at the end)

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 7 months ago

Ok when the GB3 soundtrack comes out I doubt(and pray) that Britney Spears will have nothing to do with the soundtrack! Ever! She's hott yea but man shes a big bimbo. And Also Dan Akroyd is the man, but I dont think i can handle him singing Nod Ya Head, even if it was a parady, besides it wouldn't even fit into the soundtrack.


by fixer79

22 years, 7 months ago


by PF4Eva

22 years, 7 months ago

Metallica would rock, too. But like every other summer blockbuster, GB3 would need a rocking “anthem.”

Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters
MIB: Men in Black
Wild Wild West: Wild Wild West
MIB2: Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)

We need Dan to sing a parody of the Nod Ya Head song. Metallica would bring in a lot of money. Britney would bring in so much money, it wouldn't even be funny. They would help improve the soundtrack.

by BruceLee

22 years, 7 months ago

I think I would just have Danny Elfman or whoever do a score for the movie. I don't think I would put any rock or anything into the movie. A great score does so much for a movie. It creates atmosphere better than a rock song or any other song does. It would have to have some sort of remix of the original Ghostbusters song. Perhaps that could be done by some rock group.

If it had to have some real songs on it, I would have Robert Plant's Darkness, Darkness. That is an awesome song and the lyrics would fit the movie well. Some of the songs on The Crow soundtrack could probably fit into the whole “hell is right next door” theme, as well.


by Zack

22 years, 7 months ago

there is really no way of telling. I think the mood of the film should dictate the music but its fun to speculate…as much as I love some of the songs mentioned it just doesn't make sense. Most soundtracks are not loaded up with super mega hits every knows like “Stairway to Heaven” as much as I love the Zep too wink

Can never go wrong with a great score. Elmer Bernstein didn't want to do Ghostbusters 2 so he wouldn't get trapped into doing so many comedies, Randy Edelman did magic for GB2. Danny Elfman I think could do good stuff too smile But as far as everything else goes, I have no clue…


by StayinPuft

22 years, 7 months ago

Again, both GBs had pop music, not some dinosaur rock music….