If or When GB3 comes out, who would you put on the soundtrack?

by PF4Eva

22 years, 6 months ago

Others that I may or may not have alreay said:

Ratt “Round and Round”
Damn Yankees “High Enough”
Cinderella “Nobody's Fool”
A Flock of Seagulls “I Ran” and original songs
Ted Nugent
Huey Lewis
Iron Butterfly
Pat Boone
Pink Floyd
Danny Elfman
Oingo Boingo
Robert Plant
Bruce Springsteen
Ozzy Osbourne
Tenacious D

by Black.Ghost

22 years, 6 months ago

Marlyn Manson would be able to make something nice for gb3, he done well in Resident Evil, oh and o would like something from Rammstein, there making a ncie kind of music….im not just talking about Du Hast or Links 234..the made a lot of nice pece of work….the made Halleluja for Resident Evil and dam its nice. Tool are also able to make something good, like…you know…a kind of freaky song… Can't forget Metallica. Maybe in this sound trak theres a place for thecno…personnaly i dont relly like theno, but…i like the style of Moby…a song for ghostbusters made by Moby seem for me something interesting…

by boogie138

22 years, 6 months ago

Black Ghost did you see XXX? Rammstein did a live performance in the begining, it rocked. And Marilyns job on res was great, i think he'd add a great atmospher to GB3. I think id be cooler if all these band contributed instrumental music for certain scenes instead of songs like on a normal soundtrack. just a thought

by EgonSpengler

22 years, 6 months ago

We definitly need the Original version of the GB theme. No doubt about it, but for a remake, I would use the RGB theme song. It sounds even better than the GB1 theme, IMO!

Maybe the Blues Brothers could do a song! Kinda like how John Bulushi almost was Peter Venkman, I think Bill Murray should fill in for John.

Oh, the GB3 soundtrack shoud definitly include a song sung by all four GB's. They definitly need to sing a remake of “Flip City”!

Oh, and Weird Al need to have a crack at it. He could parody the Men In Black theme, and make it “Boys In Gray” (BIG) In fact, i'm gonna start writing that parody now….

by Black.Ghost

22 years, 6 months ago

No i didn't see it,…and i dont remember if Rammstein is playing Feuerräder of Feuer frei! But all that i know, it that Rammstein have a grate talent to make damm good songs.

by StayinPuft

22 years, 6 months ago

I think Dan Aykroyd should do a rap like he did with Dragnet…. On second thought maybe thats why that movie didn't do too well at the box office…

by kid_gb

22 years, 6 months ago

I think Will Smith, Rammstein, Limp Bizkit, LINKIN PARk (defineatly) would be great. I could also sing some of my songs (From my Band, Roadkill).
What do u think?


by starsguy

22 years, 6 months ago

Flash is right on the money…it would be awesome to hear Incubus do the theme. Brandon Boyd's got an awesome voice. Another group I'd consider is Hootie & The Blowfish. That would be really cool too. (yes, the band is still together and they have a new album coming out either late this year or early next.)

by SurfinBuster103

22 years, 6 months ago

First was Ray Parker Jr., than Run DMC, well for the third I think Outkast could make a song “Bustin Makes Me Feel Good.” That would be pretty hot for the new Ghostbuster's anthem.

by Pete_Venkman

22 years, 6 months ago

Metallica- Entersandman