If they did a new series...

by exorcist313

19 years, 12 months ago

Now after much waiting for issue after issue the series is unfortunatly done! Good work guys! Now i was wondering two things here. Are they planning to do a new series? and if they did what do you guys want to see?

Personally I would like to see the guys before they where GB's i mean sure they wouldnt have the Ecto 1, or the packs, or the firehouse, or Winston. Which yes it would suck, but like there adventures becfore they where Ghostbusters. It might be a little lame but cool, its just my opinion.

Tell him Steve-Dave!

by GuyCC

19 years, 12 months ago

They are planning on continuing the comic in an ongoing, regular series (check the 88 MPH website for covers to the first three issues).
Issue #4 also shows the cover of the new issue #1.

What I want to know is when that hits the stands. (*peter)