if they did come back for a live action GB3...

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago

he's blunt but he's got a point. go easy on him hes a newb. :p

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

he's blunt but he's got a point. go easy on him hes a newb. :p

who you talking too? whos the noob?

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago


by fome

17 years, 9 months ago



content might be completely unacceptable, therefore, removed :p

I care about the original actors…….I just wouldn't mind seeing new ones if that was the case,thats all.

well if that's the case then just go to this thread…


that is why I ironically renamed my thread in here…

by Noiseworker

17 years, 9 months ago

no I created a thread with pictures to show how the originals actors would look now in their jumpsuits to talk about it and not to talk about other stupid actors… this is actually a proof that nobody cares if they come back for a third GB movie or remake… seem that all you people want is to see a new GB movie with sucky flavor-of-the-month actors to replace the originals…

*in skank language* OH NO YOU DI-IIIN'T!

Screw the flavour-of-the-month (yeah, I speak and type Aussie…what are you gonna make of it?). I'll accept nothing but the originals. I have no problem with boycotting GB3 if none of the originals are going to participate. I don't want four ‘new’ GB's. Stiller, Wilson et al don't deserve the honour of being introduced to this fandom.

I'm sorry if I sound vicious, folks, but i'm passionate about seeing the originals there. Nobody else will do. Don't give me any “surprise cameos” either - it's all or nothing.

(If I can perform numerous gigs in a row whilst having an injured lower back, and my stage performance limited to upper-body movement only….the now-elderly GB's have no excuse. Again, all or nothing.)

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Were ‘Ghostbusters 3’ to go ahead and be live action there'd be no doubt in my mind they'd got for the originals… I'm hard pressed to think of a film series where a sequel has had characters played by now actors with the following exceptions:

Inspector Gadget 2: Horrible made-for-TV sequel, not as good as the original.

Richie Rich's Christmas Wish: See above.

Star Wars - Episodes 1,2 and 3 - This at least has a valid reason, showing the principal cast of characters significantly younger.

Aside from those I can't think of any.

And I think I side with Fome here… with the exception of some actors a lot are the flavour of the week, the regular selection on IMDb for example; Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Wil Ferrel… and let's not forget Jon Heder are likely only suggested because they're the most frequently seen comedians these days… but their amount of screen time doesn't mean they're of the same quality as Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis or Ernie Hudson.

What's that old saying about quality over quantity, hmm? :p

Anyway, to get back on topic… I wouldn't say that a live action outing is beyond them if it were to be done… they might have to have a stepped back role, action wise but I wouldn't say it would automatically remove them from being the main characters of focus.

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

Everyone keeps saying they hate the “Flavor of the Month”…….and I agree with Kingpin,that its better to choose Quality over Quanity…….but……..you have all kinda dug yourselves into a rut.

We all suggest differnt people who might make a good GB character,but yet you all sterio-type them as being the “Flavor of the Month”……..well….

Who can we suggest that won't automaticly be thrown in the “Flavor of the Month” pile then?

Everyone who keeps getting mentioned is always said to be part of the “Flavor of the Month” thing.

Just because we mention someone from the last 6 years,doesn't mean we picked them because thier the “Flavor of the Month”……I know I don't pick them that way.

Only person that I would pick from the original “Flavor of the Month” group would be Ben Stiller…….not because I think he's “In” or “Popular in Hollywood and the moment”……..but because I actually think he has a good personality to be a GB…..its has nothing to do with being the “Flavor of the Month”.

My picks for “New” Ghostbusters:

Ben Stiller
Kevin James
Martin Lawrence
4th person pending(havn't thought of one yet).

by Noiseworker

17 years, 9 months ago

wildcat - you die now! *lunges*

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

or just go here you wildstubborn lol



by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

I am against new Ghostbusters if the name “Ben” or “Stiller” appear anywhere near the list.

Or anyone from that atrocious Dodge ball film……….