if they did come back for a live action GB3...

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

or just go here you wildstubborn lol



Thats the second time you post that link….well if you want people to use that for talking about “Who they would cast” then why did you bother re-naming this thread “Which actors/actresses would you like to see in GB3?” PART 2?

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

it was actually the forth time…

and in case you did not understood here for the fifth time


I renamed the thread ironically

and why? because you dummys began to run the topic off the rails…

I'm outta here… going to bed now… so long suckers!

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Who sleeps at night?

What are you…some kind of human?

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

*sigh* Fan-boys……the people that just can't except change when it comes to a TV/game or movie series…..and to think I was called stubborn

Iv seen alot of Transformers fan-boys…now Iv seen GB Fan-Boys…….

Can't live with'em,can't live without'em……actually yes,I could live without them.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Are we fanboys because we don't want the dodge ball cast as the new Ghostbusters?

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

Are we fanboys because we don't want the dodge ball cast as the new Ghostbusters?

No,I don't them them either…even though Id give Ben Stiller a fair chance.

Your Fan-Boys cause you won't except anyone,period, as a new Ghostbuster

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

*sigh* Fan-boys……the people that just can't except change when it comes to a TV/game or movie series…..and to think I was called stubborn

Iv seen alot of Transformers fan-boys…now Iv seen GB Fan-Boys…….

Can't live with'em,can't live without'em……actually yes,I could live without them.

Trust me, we're no where on scale with the most ‘hardcore’ Transformers fans.

I'll bite, and reclassify ‘flavor of the month’: ‘Flavor of the month’ applies to a choice who's only picked because he or she happens to be popular at that particular moment, not on their acting merit or actual talent.

It just seems that people go for the most obvious comedians because they're seen the most… I guess I'd prefer to see some unknowns take up the role, only for a remake, rather than established comedians because most of the original actors were obscure, or more unknown back in 1984. I think Starsky and Hutch has shown that getting existing mainstream comedians to play long-established characters doesn't really work well. Especially when Starsky & Hutch was so serious and they made it a damn comedy.

Besides, I suspect a lot of people are unwilling because (regardless of possibly impossibly high standards…) there just aren't that many mainstream actors who seem could play the roles without hamming them up. Despite one regular over at Proton Charging might say, Ben Stiller cannot easily replace Bill Murray. Anyone can be the ‘mouth’ but Ben's style of ‘commentary’ seems a heck of a lot different. Again, I say go for unknown actors if any have to be chosen, and I doubt they will given it's ‘GB3’ and not a remake.

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago

wildcat, where did any one say, that they wont except change? seriously, would you like it if your favorite movie's new sequal's cast was a bunch of actors you really despise? my point exactly. your choices of cast are lame. i mean Martin Lawrence? come on. the man doesnt even have enough comedic talent to entertain a lobster. it wouldnt surprise me, if Dane Cook is one your choices. my sneaker is funnier than him. i get more laughs out of putting my socks on.

and were not fanboys, were simply defending the ground, anyone wouldnt like their favorite franchise ruined simply by a bad choice of cast, making it stomach turning to even watch the damn movie in the first place.

you are stubborn, the point is, most people here wouldnt mind a new cast, if it were casted carefully, and not just subjected to a defaulted Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Ryan Reynolds comedy romp.

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

Who sleeps at night?

What are you…some kind of human?

yes :p

Your Fan-Boys cause you won't except anyone,period, as a new Ghostbuster

nothing to do with that is just that there's another thread to talk about this

you are stubborn, the point is, most people here wouldnt mind a new cast, if it were casted carefully, and not just subjected to a defaulted Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Ryan Reynolds comedy romp.

and not just that *sigh* since there's already another thread for this lol

by wildcat

17 years, 9 months ago

Actually Kingpin,I was not refering to you when I made the Fan-Boy comment.Iv seen you post and I know your more open minded to change.

Again,since it seems no one understood my last post about the “Flavor of the Month”….I know what it means,its when people are picked just cause thier popular at the moment,despite whether or not they can actually do the roll justice.

Thats why I said I don't pick my choices like that….Kevin James is hardly the “Flavor of the Month”…….his last big roll was in “Hitch” with Will Smith,as far as I remember.Plus he's more know for being on the “King if Queens” which I'm not sure if that series has eneded,I read somewhere there was to be one more season.

Martin Lawrence is not the “Flavor of the Month” either,his last big roll was in “Wild Hogs”.Sure he has done other movies in the recent past….but he's definitly not in the “Flavor of the Month” catagory like Will Ferrell and the rest.

Now i know I picked Ben Stiller,I know Kingpin said he could never replace Bill Murray,which is true….but I never said he should.

I'll admit Ben IS in the “Flavor/Month” catagory……but thats NOT why I picked him….I just thought that he might make a decent GB in general.

Its just too hard to pick actors……at least on this board anyway….cause it seems no one is good enough for any of the users on here….thats why I made the Fan-Boy comment.

I'm not even gona suggest anymore actors….there all just gona get shot down by the rest of the users anyway…..just like everyone elses choices.