*sigh* Fan-boys……the people that just can't except change when it comes to a TV/game or movie series…..and to think I was called stubborn
Iv seen alot of Transformers fan-boys…now Iv seen GB Fan-Boys…….
Can't live with'em,can't live without'em……actually yes,I could live without them.
Trust me, we're no where on scale with the most ‘hardcore’
Transformers fans.
I'll bite, and reclassify ‘flavor of the month’: ‘Flavor of the month’ applies to a choice who's only picked because he or she happens to be popular at that particular moment, not on their acting merit or actual talent.
It just seems that people go for the most obvious comedians because they're seen the most… I guess I'd prefer to see some unknowns take up the role, only for a remake, rather than established comedians because most of the original actors were obscure, or more unknown back in 1984. I think
Starsky and Hutch has shown that getting existing mainstream comedians to play long-established characters doesn't really work well. Especially when
Starsky & Hutch was so serious and they made it a damn comedy.
Besides, I suspect a lot of people are unwilling because (regardless of possibly impossibly high standards…) there just aren't that many mainstream actors who seem could play the roles without hamming them up. Despite one regular over at Proton Charging might say, Ben Stiller cannot easily replace Bill Murray. Anyone can be the ‘mouth’ but Ben's style of ‘commentary’ seems a heck of a lot different. Again, I say go for unknown actors if any have to be chosen, and I doubt they will given it's ‘GB3’ and not a remake.