if you had a neighbour you didnt like...

by back

23 years, 3 months ago

if you had a neighbour you didnt like and they hated you back what would you put in there mail box to send them through the roof?
im gone.

PS.this is just all in good fun & to excersize your imagination!smile

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

Well, according to the Anarchy Cookbook… It suggests:

1.Two liter bottle of chlorine (must contain sodium hypochlorate)
2.Small amount of sugar
3.Small amount of water

Mix all three of these in equal amounts to fill about 1/10 of the bottle. Screw on the lid and place in a mailbox. It's hard to believe that such a small explosion will literally rip the mailbox in half and send it 20 feet into the air! Be careful doing this, though, because if you are caught, it is not up to the person whose mailbox you blew up to press charges. It is up to the city.

But I don't hate my neighbors.. I don't even know any of my neighbors..


23 years, 3 months ago

Let the dog out on his lawn.

by DragonTech

23 years, 3 months ago

I HATE my neighbor. She put my mom out of business with a lawsuit (from her lawyer BROTHER) because my dad put a really nice layer of tar in our driveway in front of the entrance and she didn't want to walk around it (which would mean she would hafta walk 5 fourths of an inch more to walk on the road instead of the tar (FOR ONE !@#$ing DAY!!)) AGH MAN WRITING THIS IS MAKING ME HATE HER MORE. I originally planned to hide a microphone in my lawn pointed at the street and point a megaphone at her house to amp up the traffic sound. Then I thought of crossing the streams, but that would take out a church too (NO BODY STEPS/BLOWS UP ON A CHURCH IN MY TOWN!!)

“Dreamcast shall fall and Dolphin shall rise from it's ashes….”

by darkspecter500

23 years, 3 months ago

Man,from that,I hate your neighbor too,DT,and I don't even know her! But,why did the judge let her win?


23 years, 3 months ago

i used to have a next store neibore that i hated! She would yell at me because i was on the side walk out side her house, i would say it's public property and she say it's not and call the police, OH YEAH I WASNT DOING ANYTHING I WAS 5!!!! so one day she pissed me off, by this time im ten and knew how to be a little brat *evil grin*
so one day when she went to her mail box i had put some of dad's “Special Magazines” and some super glue, when so end on end she panics and runs around the neiborhood with porn stuck to her hand….ahh good times……

by back

23 years, 3 months ago

ok, this one was good. freshman year in high school, this person next door always bragged how he made better meals than my mama. now you dont screw with a mama's boy! so over a weeks period he recived - day by day a full dinner, breakfast & lunch menu in his mailbox. day1:
macaroni & cheeze, 2 boxes
a heafty portion of pasta with a thick tasty rich red sauce
about 4 large pieces of week old turkey mixed with a little contact cement for that zesty feeling when you eat it.
semi-liquified cooked eggs (sunny side up!), 4 breakfast sausages & 2 pieces of toast mixed into a nice chunky sauce resembling something that the cat coughed up during the night.
a chocolate cake & what the cat did cough up during the night.
and finally day7:
the most tasty touch to any sunday night dinner, about 5 over-flowing liters of gravy!

then after those 7 days he couldnt quite look at me or my mama in the eye for a month, and i couldnt look at him with a straight face for about 3 months!

man i was a bad boy back then! smile
im gone.


23 years, 3 months ago

now im gonna take notes smile…….

by vgirl

23 years, 3 months ago

Prank phone calls from a pay phone? I did it from my dorm room, which was pretty wicked and risky because they coulda traced the calls, which they didn't. Well, I didn't talk but it was hilarious playing christmas carols into the phone while they were trying to figure out what was going on. After 30 minutes of that, I was rolling on the floor and unable to make another call for 20 minutes because I was still laughing so hard!

by back

23 years, 3 months ago

I'll admit that the 5 liters of gravy was just plain raunchy! but contact cementing a piece of turkey to somebodies mailbox? then its all justified!smile
im gone.