I'm a little disapointed....

by mrstaypuft1181

15 years, 7 months ago

First off I would like to say the whole process in busting ghosts is awesome !!! But I feel the game's story was a little short and very similar to GB1. Which isn't bad it is just a little repeated. The most disapointing thing to me is that NYC didn't play that big a part in the game. Yes, Central Park, the NY Public Library, and Times Square played a part but NYC has so many other landmarks that could of been used. Right now I am on the last stage of the game and I have yet been able to drive ECTO-1. Maybe when I beat the game I will but I haven't read that anywhere. The online section of game is real cool as well so I do see postives but since it was in production for so long maybe I was hoping for more.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

First off I would like to say the whole process in busting ghosts is awesome !!! But I feel the game's story was a little short and very similar to GB1. Which isn't bad it is just a little repeated. The most disapointing thing to me is that NYC didn't play that big a part in the game. Yes, Central Park, the NY Public Library, and Times Square played a part but NYC has so many other landmarks that could of been used. Right now I am on the last stage of the game and I have yet been able to drive ECTO-1. Maybe when I beat the game I will but I haven't read that anywhere. The online section of game is real cool as well so I do see postives but since it was in production for so long maybe I was hoping for more.

You don't get to drive Ecto-1. A lot of people were disappointed about this, but its been known for some time.

And I think 3 major landmarks would equate to NYC being a pretty big part of the story…

I loved the story. It felt similar to GB1 at times, but that was the best part. It elaborated on an already established fantastic plotline, and made so many things even more interesting than they already were. Its going to be so cool to go back and watch GB1 now, with all the new information that arose in this game.