I'm New but NO GB3...WTF?!

by magikman

20 years ago

Hey Guys and Ghouls,

WTF? So I JUST signed up. The last time I was on this site was during its older look. Great job to whoever did this place up.


WTF?! NO GB3?! Seriously, I realize the odds look a bit off for a new GB3, BUT if we can walk on the moon, talk via internet, have access to cast knowledge by the touch of a button, then im SURE we can convince ONE guy (murray) to do this. I see ALOT of dashed hopes and dreams, and IM HERE TO RESTORE THE FAITH!!!!
GB1 and 2 are by far my favorite movies ever. I love these guys and I love the whole idea of GB. And I MUST see a 3rd part. No matter what, before I die….hell…before I get TOO old, there will be a GB3. Even if I have to make it happen alone.

Seriously if Murray doesnt want to be in this movie, F*CK him. He was great (and well i cant say hes my fav, b\c they are all my fav in their own unique way haha) but if he doesnt want to do it who cares. The movie wont go bust just b\c he's not in it. In business, its the marketing not the product. Do you think people will avoid GB3 if it has poeple like will smith or ashton kutcher or ME…..HELL NO!!!! Get someone famous and replace.

They are too old for the ghostbusting business anyway. I was thinking they were going to do something like the extreme GB anyway. I DONT KNOW, Im sure we all have different views in what we want in our GB3 movie (I personally want it to be a bit of a horror movie, than again comedy will SOOOO NOT dissappoint)
BUT im sure we all want one common thing….a GB3!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL BE MADE, I DONT CARE…..where there is a will there is a WAY.

Take care, and no more negativity about this. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN.



by Shadow_weaveR

20 years ago

LoL I love n00bs who come here to restore the faith. No matter how many times you tell them GB3 is deader then my aunt Mary they dont want to hear it.

by gbmasterman

20 years ago

LoL I love n00bs who come here to restore the faith. No matter how many times you tell them GB3 is deader then my aunt Mary they dont want to hear it.

Isn't this like the 4th n00b this week who has joined up and tried to restore hope of a GB3? LMAO

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years ago

the mind of a n00b “I surfed in here just today, and even though I'm basing this on absolutly nothing but blind faith, I feel confident enough to start a thread about how im certain GB3 Will be made (again based on absolutly nothing) and I expect everyone who has been here for years to fall in line behind my n00bness and join in my quest of faith in GB3 because I say so.” yeah thats pretty much the mindset here, Move along folks nothing to see here.

by magikman

20 years ago

Hmm….OH MAN….I didnt know we had such cool guys on this board, that know as much as Jesus does. Nope because making a part 3 to a movie is sooooo out of the realm of possiblity that it defies all LOGIC….MAN you guys are cool, I want to be that cool too. “n00by noob”- DAMN that was cool. thanks.
haha surely I jest.
Dudes, all it is a movie, a kick ass one, and once I pull it threw you cant come see it. AGAIN I jest. Tt really isnt that hard to make. This is where the power of money and persuasion come in .
Anyway, someone fill me in as to why this movie can SOOO NOT be made. Sarcasm optional in this explanation

(*peter) (*ray) (*egon) (*winston)

by Shadow_weaveR

20 years ago

I'll skip the sarcasm,

1. Bill
2. Sony
3. No complete script
4. Age

but mostly Sony and Bill.

by wesyeed1

20 years ago


Gb3's going to have Miranda Spengler, descendant of Egon spengler who's task it is to resurrect the original ghostbusters from the grave so she can learn how to bust their old foes Gozer and Vigo who have teamed up with the devil himself to bring about the end of the world thousands of years since 1989. See, vigo said that death was but a door, time was but a window…. well he's had plenty and now he's back in the future ressurected by gozer, too weak to wreak havoc himself. But now they can strenghthen each other and wait for several milleniums for the right time to strike. Sweet. Then in the future it's all hell breaks loose and Miranda who has inherited Egon's genius genes is the only person with enough knowledge about the paranormal to find a way to bring the original gbs back to life.

Following Dan's (dont want to fudge up the last name) original concept, the ghostbusters set up shop in the future with space travel and all sorts of cool future stuff to take on their old foes and maybe with a littel devine help, they stave off the Diablo insurrection


It was fun thinking it up though.