Hey Guys and Ghouls,
WTF? So I JUST signed up. The last time I was on this site was during its older look. Great job to whoever did this place up.
WTF?! NO GB3?! Seriously, I realize the odds look a bit off for a new GB3, BUT if we can walk on the moon, talk via internet, have access to cast knowledge by the touch of a button, then im SURE we can convince ONE guy (murray) to do this. I see ALOT of dashed hopes and dreams, and IM HERE TO RESTORE THE FAITH!!!!
GB1 and 2 are by far my favorite movies ever. I love these guys and I love the whole idea of GB. And I MUST see a 3rd part. No matter what, before I die….hell…before I get TOO old, there will be a GB3. Even if I have to make it happen alone.
Seriously if Murray doesnt want to be in this movie, F*CK him. He was great (and well i cant say hes my fav, b\c they are all my fav in their own unique way haha) but if he doesnt want to do it who cares. The movie wont go bust just b\c he's not in it. In business, its the marketing not the product. Do you think people will avoid GB3 if it has poeple like will smith or ashton kutcher or ME…..HELL NO!!!! Get someone famous and replace.
They are too old for the ghostbusting business anyway. I was thinking they were going to do something like the extreme GB anyway. I DONT KNOW, Im sure we all have different views in what we want in our GB3 movie (I personally want it to be a bit of a horror movie, than again comedy will SOOOO NOT dissappoint)
BUT im sure we all want one common thing….a GB3!!!!!!!!!!! THIS WILL BE MADE, I DONT CARE…..where there is a will there is a WAY.
Take care, and no more negativity about this. THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN.