I'm not gonna hold my breath...

by bubba

23 years, 4 months ago

As cool as it would be to have a third GB, I am not holding my breath. Although the premise for Extreme ghosbusters has some huge possibilities in theaters. This would make it possible to bring back the characters from the original, as well as keep it open for future releases with a newer cast. Something like Jedi apprentices being taught by yoda or Luke Skywalker. Lets face it, Even if they continued the star wars series after episode 3, There is no way that Mark Hamill would be able to go on for a seventh chapter. For one thats a hell of a jump from two years to twenty five years. Same with GB It would be a helluva jump to twelve years, without changing some characters around. I apologize to all of the harcore GB and SW buffs. Its just my opinion, not meant to offend. Thanx

by darealgb

23 years, 4 months ago

well i would hold my breath