I'm selling a GB flightsuit, cartoon episodes and more

by spengler11

21 years, 2 months ago

On ebay, I am selling an adult small flight suit with the GB logo on the arm, elbow pads and belt. Just go to ebay search and tpye in Ghostbusters uniform. I am also selling a Ghostbusters lot of 12 videos I purchased at a sci-fi convention with a buch of Real and Extreme Ghostbusters episodes on them. They all seem to be recorded in SP mode, some have commercials, some where edited out, and others look like they came from a store bought tape. Also on one of the volumes has GB movie stuff from the laser disc and the GB2 extra features. Type in Ghostbusters lot episodes, figures, and more . There is also a few other things in this lot as well so get right down there, check it out, and get back to me. Get right back to me! (^_^) :-)

by Suspiria

21 years, 2 months ago

What RGB episodes are you selling, eh?

by spengler11

21 years, 2 months ago

Okay, here are the Real Ghostbusters episodes on the tapes: Ghosts R Us, Killerwatt, Mrs. Roger's Neighborhood, Slimer Come Home,The Boogeyman Cometh, Mr. Sandman Dream Me a Dream, When Halloween was Forever, Look Homeward Ray, Take Two, Citizen Ghost, Janine's Genie, X-mas Marks The Spot, Janine's Day Off, Adventures in Slime and Space, Knock Knock, Cry Uncle, Play Them Ragtime Boos, Fright at the Opera, Venkman's Ghost Repellers, Revenge of Murray The Mantis, Drool the Dog Faced Goblin, Bird Of Kildarby, Ghostbuster of the Year, Ghostfight At The O.K. Corral, Night Game, Lost and Foundry.
I don't really know the name sof the Extreme Ghostbusters episodes since they don't tell you them in the begining. But I do know the first two parter episode in on there and when the Extreme meet the Real Ghostbusters is on there , plus a bunch of others. Hope this helps, any other questions feal free to ask. Thanks :-)