IMPORTANT: Note Reguarding the Comic Art Thus Far


21 years, 9 months ago

I feel that the circuit board and tube help make the charecter….I do hope these are added…

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Oh, okay. Thank you, Kingpin! :s :d

I 100% agree with Ron. I want to see the Circuit Board Pouch and the Leg Tube added, too. :s :d

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 9 months ago

The only thing I see missing from a excellent group of pictures is the clear yellow tube attached to the front of the uniform. WHich I have always liked from the movie. Adds more detail too. just something I noticed

by MasterSpider

21 years, 9 months ago

I think they're fine now, and I have to say as for me, at least, I could care less about that yellow tube. All it's done in the past is raised too many questions and makes no freakin' sense. If we have a chance to get rid of it, so be it…

by JohnnySparks

21 years, 9 months ago

Not if you are going for movie acuracy, the tube is needed! no matter what it's purpose is. I mean you want all the gadgets on Ecto 1 right? even though you have no idea what they do.

by schwank168

21 years, 9 months ago

doc ryedale u need to calm down lol, who gives a flying turd about a leg hose. all that matters is they are making a sweet comic with awesome art. U guys are nitpickers.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 9 months ago


*runs away screaming*

by EganSpengller

21 years, 9 months ago

Hi all! I live in Ukraine and Ghostbusters very cool film! But I'm want know how I'm can get new Ghostbusters Comik Book in Ukraine?

by RobertKnippels

21 years, 9 months ago

I was thinking maybe that yellow tube is a spare tube for in case something went wrong with the proton pack.

Annyway with or without the tube I like the style of the comic.



by diehard485

21 years, 9 months ago

Are people actually complaining? Dude, we've been waiting SO long for a Ghostbusters revival, and now you are going to complain about the tiniest of details? Be happy with what is given to you. Especially the trap pedal. That thing had quite a bit of detail in the film, and it would be a major pain to have to draw it over and over again, and it would never be perfect. Deal with it, it's a TINY detail. I think the artwork is great personally, wouldn't change a thing.