Important Post


23 years, 2 months ago

Guys GB3 is never gonna happen, nor or we gonna get RGB or EGb back on the air, nor are we gonna get a GB2:SE, unles…We . We are a community numbering over 1,000, we need to unite if we are to get anything done. Now we can plan all we want, but it means nothing if we can't all work together as a cohesive unit, a team, a family. Now we have all had our problems, fights, disagrences with others on this board and within the community, but a New Year is coming, lets make some resolutions to forgive those people and to unite for a common purpose…to bring GB back in the spotlight. We have the oportunity to make a difference people, I'm all for it, but I nor can any one or even a handfull of people on this board can do it by ourselves. Now enough is enough and its time for us to do something. So are we gonna sit here and let the spirit of GB die in 2002 or we gonna do something? I know where I satnd, where do you?

by Specter

23 years, 2 months ago

You're nuts!


This is the THIRD time I've responded to this post. First: Ghostbusters Movies, Second: Ghostbusters Cartoons.

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

I think if you want to see a Ghostbusters 3, you need to petition for a DTV movie. Odds are SONY won't be willing to spend the money on ads, promotions, but if Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis would be interested, I think a DTV movie is more feasible, and less expensive for the studio. Something for the fans. Probably a lower budget than most movies, but so what? Use the same special effects if you have to. And without Bill Murray's contract…it can be done.

As for the cartoons. Give Cartoon Network time. It'll happen. We're seeing the return of Transformers, He-Man and Thundercats. It's only a matter of time before The Real Ghostbusters is back. Hopefully.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

For those of you who aren't happy with this discussion, see one exactly like it under “All read.”