in case you guys haven't seen this yet

by GBTaiMaiShu

21 years, 3 months ago

yeah yeah it's July 30, 2002 but I don't know how many people are aware of this piece

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

ahhhhh… the memories. also check out the follow up review on

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 3 months ago

So its not Murray's fault. He said he would work a few days on it. So its just Sony's fault!! (o_O) But, I think Sony will wake up eventually and realize GB3 would be very profitable.

by Ludicris

21 years, 3 months ago

That was an extremely good article and it gave us a more detailed look on Ghostbusters 3. Thanks for the link.

by rodie1

21 years, 3 months ago

I would just like to say to anyone who's just now seeing that that it's a FIRST DRAFT and the final script would've most likely been much different. I say that cuz when that first appeared a lot of people were harping about how crappy it was.