In desprite need of 3 guys

by drspengler3

17 years, 9 months ago

I need 3 guys from The MILL LACS AREA OF MINNESOTA to dress up as the real ghostbusters for halloween this year I have the blue and dark brown suits the only ones i dont have are tan and white if you can find the tan and white suits that will be great if not I can go and find them. I have one logo and nametag on the blue suit but not the dark brown one. I also have my most of my real ghostbusters props done but I'm waiting on a few things like the lights for the cyclotron. You can bring your own Real ghostbusters props or movie props or I can help you build 3 more real ghostbusters proton packs.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 9 months ago

I will drive up from Iowa in full regalia but ONLY on these conditions:

1.) Money will be needed for gas and appearence fees
2.) You have to purchase me a steak dinner (money for which will not be deducted from appearence fees)
3.) Let me use your bed to sleep or provide additional money for a hotel room (money for which will not be deducted from appearence fees)

Those are my terms.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 9 months ago

P.S.: It's a pretty good deal in my opinion.

by zack1

17 years, 9 months ago

deleted the old topic you made where no one responded. Moved this over to Fan Projects as well. Just one topic for one project please. (^_^) Thanks! Carry on.


by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

I will drive up from Iowa in full regalia but ONLY on these conditions:

1.) Money will be needed for gas and appearence fees
2.) You have to purchase me a steak dinner (money for which will not be deducted from appearence fees)
3.) Let me use your bed to sleep or provide additional money for a hotel room (money for which will not be deducted from appearence fees)

Those are my terms.


You serious or just trying to get a few laughs?

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago

Dr. Spengler
I need 3 guys from The MILL LACS AREA OF MINNESOTA to dress up as the real ghostbusters for halloween this year I have the blue and dark brown suits the only ones i dont have are tan and white if you can find the tan and white suits that will be great if not I can go and find them. I have one logo and nametag on the blue suit but not the dark brown one. I also have my most of my real ghostbusters props done but I'm waiting on a few things like the lights for the cyclotron. You can bring your own Real ghostbusters props or movie props or I can help you build 3 more real ghostbusters proton packs.

i think i can help you, theres new thing they made, its called..whats it called?..oh yeah, Friends!, go get some of them, if any, and then ask if they will participate, i trust you it would be much easier.

by Yehome

17 years, 9 months ago

i think i can help you, theres new thing they made, its called..whats it called?..oh yeah, Friends!, go get some of them, if any, and then ask if they will participate, i trust you it would be much easier.

Believe me, it's hard to find friends who have the balls to dress as a Ghostbuster :p

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

If they'll dress as a Jedi or a hobbit, they'll dress as a Ghostbuster.

by drspengler3

17 years, 9 months ago

the friends I have won't dress up as ghostbusters that is why i posted this here.

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago

you need better friends. (*peter)