In the next year? 2010 or 11?

by Yourbigpalal83

15 years, 1 month ago

What does in the next year mean? this year or next they plan on shooting.

Id think this year. the script is in its 2th draft and idk why they would wait a whole year and a half to shoot? makes no sense.

Also with spidy 4 now canned, sony has to fill a big summer tent pole next year. Think that replacement will be Ghostbusters 3?

Your thoughts?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

The key word is “in”… “In the next year” means in the next 12 months. Shoot next year would mean 2011. Shoot this year would mean 2010.

The general idea seems to be that they would like to shoot the movie within the next 12 months, and then release in Summer of 2011.

by Yourbigpalal83

15 years, 1 month ago

that makes sense. since the interview was so close to the new year (i dident know if they filmed it before or after new years) it was hard to tell.

Hope this summer and finish by the fall that way they got a good 8 plus months to work on it in post!

by GB3

15 years, 1 month ago

Theres already a major sequel comedy for next year, Hangover 2 for sometime in May. So if Sony/Columbia doesn't get GB3 going, it maybe too late. The now former Spidey 4 date belongs to Marvel films Mighty Thor. If GB3 gets going, they'll probably be aiming for a June date, a traditional date as the previous 2 films' release. If not in the least the famed July 4 weekend/holiday, I'd assume. Will GB3 have legs? It can't do any bad amongst the recent 1980's movie sequels: Die Hard 4, Rambo 4, Rocky 6, Indiana Jones 4, Terminator 3 & 4 (any others I forgot?). It can't be bad like Crocodile Dundee 3. It'll hopefully be among the good ones of the ‘80’s sequels. Gotta at least be better than GB2's story. Knowing the old GB's are in it and the mad 'net buzz for GB3, it maybe be a good sign for its success.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 1 month ago

Hangover 2?? NO please!!! That movie really rocks, but not for a sequel.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 1 month ago

Heh, while I agree the film would be better off as a standalone, who knows, it could turn out well. Especially considering a sequel was planned before the first one was even released.