Independent Ghostbusters movie from college students...

by zachjb

23 years ago

I was wondering if anyone out there remembers that independent movie based on Ghostbusters that was supposed to be put out by some college students. I remember downloading a clip from some Ghostbusters web site, but I can no longer find the clip.

It was just basically some guy walking in uniform with a proton pack on going through a wooded area.

If you have any information about this project, please let me know.

Also if you would be at all interested in doing an independent film based on Ghostbusters, please let me know as well.

Thank you.

by NetSolo

23 years ago

You're thinking about “Inner Demons” which was housed on my site. Last I heard Brandon abandoned the project. I took the trailer off of my website at his request.

by zachjb

23 years ago

Maybe that was it. Is there anyway that you could send me the trailer again, I would like to see it for old times sake.

Also, does Brandon use or a messaging service like AIM or MSN. If so, I would like to give him a buzz on there, to see if I could get the script and work on it myself.

Thanks for the help.