Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

by fixer791

17 years, 8 months ago

Yep, it was sad to hear Connery won't be returning as Henry Jones Sr.
I would've loved to see them together again after eighteen years.
Still, “it isn't over till the fat lady sings…”
Who knows, maybe they've been pulling our leg and Sean will be in it after all.
At least that's what I'm hopin' for… I just can't believe Sean wouldn't want to take a short break from his retirement to make Indy IV the final film of his career…

by yoyo

17 years, 8 months ago

I think we should be glad theres no Connery. There's no need for an extra actor if the plot doesn't call for it, right? That would just make things worse if they forced him in.
Being a huge Indy fan I know some stuff about this film that make it seem all the much better…
A hardcore Indy fan is supplying the fedoras for the new film meaning his fedora will be done exactly like the Raiders of the Lost Ark fedora.
They are doing well about keeping things exactly how they should be, such as he lost his bag in Last Crusade along with the strap so in the new movie he's got a new strap and you can tell because its a bit thicker.
The man teaching Harrison how to crack his whip is truly good at it. This movie will most likely have some of the greatest whipcracking scenes yet! It will be set in the 50's.
Indy will be back in locations such as Hawaii and a jungle of some sort.
Cate Blanchett , Shia LaBeouf , Ray Winstone, John Hurt, Jim Broadbent will be in the movie. (Shia will be Indy's son from Marion Ravenwood which is the 1st indy girl from Raiders)
Just some good info for you fellow ghostheads

by fixer791

17 years, 8 months ago

I think we should be glad theres no Connery. There's no need for an extra actor if the plot doesn't call for it, right? That would just make things worse if they forced him in.

That's absolutely right.
But as I heard, the approved script did have Connery's role in it. Either Lucas or Spielberg (can't remember which) said that if Connery wouldn't want to do the movie, they'd alter the script. Which is the case now, apparently

Anyway, thanks for the info, protonstream. Some bits of info were new to me. It all does seem reassuring, doesn't it?
It's truly gonna be a great cast… Blanchett, Hurt, Broadbent… Excellent choises!
Are you sure that Shia will be Indy's son? I thought it was also possible that he'd be playing young Indy…

by yoyo

17 years, 8 months ago

Yes. Shia will play Indy's son. Indy will run into his son during an action packed scene and find out that its his son. His son will a greaser (afterall, this is the 50's) who rides a motorcycle of some sort.
Also another reassuring thing is that Speilberg tends to favor using digital effects as less as possible. Not to mention during an interview Steven said “I am the director, NOT Lucas” so I think we don't have to worry about the movie being turned into junk with way to much CGI etc.

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

I think we should be glad theres no Connery. There's no need for an extra actor if the plot doesn't call for it, right? That would just make things worse if they forced him in.

That's absolutely right.
But as I heard, the approved script did have Connery's role in it. Either Lucas or Spielberg (can't remember which) said that if Connery wouldn't want to do the movie, they'd alter the script. Which is the case now, apparently

Anyway, thanks for the info, protonstream. Some bits of info were new to me. It all does seem reassuring, doesn't it?
It's truly gonna be a great cast… Blanchett, Hurt, Broadbent… Excellent choises!
Are you sure that Shia will be Indy's son? I thought it was also possible that he'd be playing young Indy…

And the last thing we'd want to do is waste Sean Connery.

The other thing is… appearance. How much has Sean Connery changed since The Last Crusade? The change is negligable compared to how much Harrison Ford has changed since then… I doubt makeup could make it look like they've aged at the same rate realistically if they were given a longer life by the water from the Grail.

I would've enjoyed seeing him reprise his role for a new Indiana Jones film as much as the average Indy fan… but not if it was just to have him there… if he was to be in it I'd want it to give something to the film rather than just be a cheap cameo.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I guess its not all bad that Connery won't be in the film. Still, it would have been nice to see him for a brief while, just to know his character is still kicking and all. Plus we're gonna see Indy's son; it'd be fun to see the three generations together. Oh well…. I wonder how Shia LeBouf is going to do. He seems like a poor choice potentially, the guy was on “Even Stevens”, that “Rear Window” rip-off, and now “Transformers”. Not much credibility, but we'll see. And I'm glad to hear they're paying attention to detail. Hopefully it's a seamless transition from ‘the Last Crusade’.

by fixer791

17 years, 8 months ago

Hopefully it's a seamless transition from ‘the Last Crusade’.

Well y'know… It's been a few years since Last Crusade… I don't think it will be all that seamless. But of course, we won't mind. we're all well aware that Harrison's aged a bit. No biggie.

Still Fright, to my knowledge, there's still no confirmation that Shia will actually be Indy's son. I'd probably bet he will be, but there's also the possibility if him playing a young Indy or even -who knows- some totally different sidekick character.
As of now, I think everything's still possible.

Not that it's a reference (anymore) but in the deleted ‘old eyepatch Indy’ bookends of the Young Indy series, Indy turns out to have a daughter. No mention of a son…
Of course, those bookends have been deleted at some point. They won't be included in the episodes when they'll be (finally) released on DVD.
That basically means that Lucas wants us to forget ‘bout them, and that there is no longer proof that Indy will live as long as the ’bookends' made us believe. It also means that Indy might turn out to have a son instead of a daughter…

Boy, it's gonna be a long wait until the movie's opening…

by yoyo

17 years, 8 months ago



Theres some pics there and it conforms what part Shia is also.

by zack1

17 years ago

Go see the awesome trailer from Yahoo movies if you haven't yet!!!!! :-O

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

Great Trailer!! I'm liking how they are letting him play his age. I think it's going to add some great comedy to the movie.

“Damn, I thought that was closer.” - I lol'd. Having been a fan from way back, I am really looking forward to this movie.

Not to mention the Lego video game! Even the trailer for that is out, (check out the Lego Website) and it looks good too.