Info on the script Review at

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 3 months ago

I know that the other guy had this topic but I figured I'd paste it too. So go check out and read the story on teh Review of teh GB3 script. So here's my two cents.

The page is open I went and checked it out. And let me tell you guys this…..I'm sorry but I love Ghostbusters and everything about Ghostbusters, But the GB3 first draft that Akroyd wrote is really really AWFUL! I'm sorry but go check the site out and read the summary for yourself, im sure youll be just as dissapointed as I was, I dont mean to burst anyones bubbles(because I had a big one myself) but before this movie is ever made Akroyd and Ramis are gonna have to do some work. Period. End of Story. Go read the article, its worth it just to read.

Sorry Guys and Gals,

by Corruptor

22 years, 3 months ago

Wow, that made my day reading an actual review of the GB3 script. Finally.

As stated it was a first draft and if it ever gets into production (the article made it sound like the studio would greenlight it if they had a smaller budget) then there would be several things taken out and added in to make it a lot better. I think Ray and Egon should bust some ghosts for part of the film before they bring on the new team. The new GBs being completely re-written from the first draft of course.

I did like the initial concept of hell spilling over into New York though. That would make for a dark, scary film.

by Ecto1A

22 years, 3 months ago

Good Lord. The first actual concrete evidence which supports my theory that Ghostbusters III would ruin the franchise.

Let's hope Dan is working on a new treatment and thinking of ways to slim down the budget…


by Erndog2

22 years, 3 months ago

Maybe it would be best if Dan didn't touch the current treatment at all. What they need is a different writer to go in and fix it up. Hopefully, whoever did do another treatment of the story would bring Oscar and Dana back and get rid of the dreadful new Ghostbusters.

by GB3

22 years, 3 months ago

I don't think this GB review makes GB3 look so bad. We have to accept new GB's. The original actors are too old to be bustin. The guy indicates in the other post interview that the original GB's are in half of the film (except Peter).
Its nice to get some more details about this story. And to finally confirm what actors/characters were going to be in the film. I agree about Winston being a doctor is a little off. I too saw him as a normal guy. The new GB's do sound lame. Two guys and two girls. Interesting. Always thought the new GB's would be 4 guys. Why this PC need? Whats with this Nat (5th new GB?) and a large head? Do we really need another Dr. Z, aka Galactica 1980 TV show? That character was so bad. Why do people want Dana and Oscar back? I'm OK with a cameo but when someone says that Oscar should be bustin ghosts thats just dumb. He'd only be in his early to mid teens. Hardly the age for bustin. I agree the script needs retooling. How come they can enter hell? Sounds too much like Real GB cartoon (but its OK idea still). And no doubt would've been retooled once Ackroyd and Ramis got the chance to do it. They proved they can do this twice already.

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 3 months ago

Well, lets see in teh review, hell is spilling over into New York, so therefore hell is New York, so somewhere there probably is a big hole oin teh ground or a portal and thats hopw they get to see the devil. Maybe


by BruceLee

22 years, 3 months ago

I didn't really like the idea of the whole “entering hell” thing either. It seemed kind of cheezy and un-Ghostbusters-like. The notion of inventing a device to send you to hell doesn't really appeal to me. Like I said, it sounds cheezy. The time machine/other dimension machine has been used too many times before. It's something writers use when they have nothing good to write about. The fact that hell is crowded or whatever seems like a good idea for a plot, but it needs to be worked out. Perhaps just a big vortex or something hidden in a church or something. Maybe the priest is mad and he opened up this hole that brings the dead back. I really don't know, but anything would be better than actually going to hell.

As far as the script review, it sounds like the guy liked everything except the new GBs. In my opinion, the introduction of a new breed of GBs would be nice, but it the original GBs would still have to be the main focus. As secondary story could be the introduction of new guys/girls, but people want to see Ray, Egon, Winston, and Pete. Saying that, I think it would be better to have two “interns”. They are just sort of there to help them out and in the end, they help save the day.

On the topic of the new guys, I have to agree with this STAX guy. I don't like them and I didn't even read the script. Body piercings? Hot latina girl? Handicapped genius with a big head? How stupid is that? They are so not Ghostbusters. The thing that apealed to me about the originals was the fact that they were just regular people. They didn't have any special look about them. Regular schmucks out to save the world. That's the way it should be in GB3, if it ever gets made.

Overall, from what this guy tells us, there is potential. This was a first draft, so things would definitely get worked out.
