INT: Ghostbusters 2 Vigo and Muses posters on canvas

by teejinightmare

15 years, 3 months ago

i am interested and have the money! just sold a bunch of stuff on ebay and have enough to pay for these 2 items, please let me know when you get enough people and i'll send the money via paypal, you can email me at but i'll be sending the money from the email thanks a bunch!

by Mr_Sandman

15 years, 3 months ago

I am interested and would like to purchase the set. Please send me the necessary information.

saw this advertised on ProtonCharging.

by Hotshot

15 years, 3 months ago

That's three (ecto83 emailed me).
Two more, and we'll get this moving.
If anyone would like a large 5x8 Vigo, holler, I'm sure we can work something out.
Also, i do have an extra 2.5x5 Vigo lying around from the last run. It's just sittin' here. 90 bucks if anyone wants it!

by Ozma2501

15 years, 3 months ago

I'm totally in on this. I'm number 4 I guess.

by Mr_Sandman

15 years, 3 months ago

by Hotshot

15 years, 3 months ago

Got ya, thanks.
While the post on Proton Charging is pretty cool, be sure to take the negative things mentioned, and boatload of incorrect facts with a grain of salt. It seems that the tales keep getting taller. Anyway, thanks again for the interest guys, we'll see what happens.

by Chad

15 years, 3 months ago

This thread is open again. Carry on.

by Hotshot

15 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Chad, I appreciate it. I hope everyone was able to veiw the posted info on the history of the paintings, and I really hope it has helped clear up any issues.
For those of you who've been patient, I'm happy to let you guys know we're able to get better pricing on the same canvas rolls, so I'm able to drop the price by 20 bucks.

So price for two 2.5X5 foot prints on canvas is now 140. Shipping anywhere is included.

Large prints are reduced by 10, and are now 150 a piece shipped.

Thanks, and be sure to post or PM with interest.

If you are someone who has a problem with the paintings being sold, contact ME, and none else. GBN is NOT resonsible for this FS thread, nor is the RPF, or PC. Thanks.

by deadderek

15 years, 3 months ago

Probably buying one, will post if I get it!

by gbdude1011

15 years, 1 month ago

How are you able to reproduce these?