Iona Shoe Polsiher For Sale

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

This is unfortunately, my last Iona Shoe Polisher I have. I need to let it go, but hopefully one of you will be able to purchase it and turn it into a PKE Meter, when I can't afford to do so.

Here it is:

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

That was quick.. this has been sold with “Buy it Now”.

by AdamBestler

21 years, 6 months ago

damn! I wish I could have got that!

by exorcist313

21 years, 6 months ago

Wait maybe its not to late! Alls we have to do is get a time Machine then go back right to the time it was posted and BUY IT right away Then we will have disrupted the time space continuem and then we have to go back in time and shut down EBAY so that Sky net wont have started up! and there for No Judgment DAY!!!! THen we return to the whatever year Evolution was made and convince Ivan Rietman and Dan Aykroyd to make GB3 instead! But then the cause of that would have never taken Clerks the cartoon off the air! So after all that we collect all the gold in the world and watch reruns of “BJ and the Bear” and/or “3-South”!!!!

Sorry, I am sick today…

umm would use guys like a choclate covered pretzel!?!??