IrieMangaStudios webcomic about the GB game and other stuff

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years, 3 months ago

Greetings, just wanted to reopen my love for Ghostbusters and all things supernatural and wanted to share and promote my fan art and other illustrations from my webcomic and DeviantArt site. Catch ya later!

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

How could that style be forgotten? Part of me is still hopeful that Ghostbusters: Super will return in some form.

by DocFritz

16 years, 3 months ago

That's completely awesome.

And that last picture didn't hurt either. I'm such a sucker for Egon/Janine stuff.(*janine)(*egon)

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years, 3 months ago

How could that style be forgotten? Part of me is still hopeful that Ghostbusters: Super will return in some form.

Can't believe people still remember my stuff from back then. If I had stuck to my guns and practice more, I guess I could have been in the art crew for that GB Manga. Such is life.

Doc Fritz;132595
That's completely awesome.

And that last picture didn't hurt either. I'm such a sucker for Egon/Janine stuff.(*janine)(*egon)

Thank you very much. Much love to the E&J coupling.

by Ectofiend

16 years, 3 months ago

*Hell, I remember vividly, even still have said stuff from back when saved on my computer (*peter)…My favorite out of your old stuff was the Ray with the HUGE “proton cannon” :-)(*ray)…

*That and your “Janine” art (*peter)(*janine):-)…

*I always wondered what happened to ya's :p


by Yehome

16 years, 3 months ago

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I remember those! Wow, it's been a long time isn't it?

Weren't there some hot Janine fanarts? :p

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years, 3 months ago

*Hell, I remember vividly, even still have said stuff from back when saved on my computer…

*I always wondered what happened to ya's :p

Well, work life got the better of me, as did, playing video games, anime collecting and maintaining my condo kept me too distracted.

I started to get back in the drawing game just about last year, developing my own paranormal group, City Knights.

Being a comic/manga fan, one of my favorite genre is supernatural/horror and martial arts so RGB is not the only group I follow but also, Hellsing, Bleach, Yuyu Hakusho, Angel, Buffy and others. While expanding my CK world, was planning to incorporate elements from these shows as a homage/parodies like American Manga Artist Fred Perry does with his Golddigger series (homages to Transformers, Thundercats and others).

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I remember those! Wow, it's been a long time isn't it?

Weren't there some hot Janine fanarts? :p

I try…

Visit my art site

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

I remember having seen your Ghostbusters redesigns sometime back and really loved them. I liked personally love where that was going and would like to see more; though I thought Egon looked a little like Ido…but in all honesty…Ido has always looked like Egon to me

by IrieMangaStudios

16 years, 3 months ago

I remember having seen your Ghostbusters redesigns sometime back and really loved them. I liked personally love where that was going and would like to see more; though I thought Egon looked a little like Ido…but in all honesty…Ido has always looked like Egon to me

Oh I thought that same thing when I watched Battle Angel (Ido), played Street Fighter Alpha series (Charlie) and read Azreal of the Batman series (Azreal)…

I skimmed over about if RGB was done in anime, and found some characters that looked like they could be related:

Peter Venkman and Isamu Alva Dyson (Macross Plus)

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 3 months ago

You know, I never noticed the likeness of Isamu to the version RGB Peter until you pointed it out. I guess I should have noticed it before that one screenshot you posted (the close up of his face from when he and Lucy were on their joy ride) the likeness is quite obvious