Is Ghostbusters 3 Just Over The Horizon?

by oldschoolbuster

18 years, 7 months ago

its been awhile since i have been here or posted so here it goes

If you have been in a coma the past two years and havent seen the progress of the ghostbusters franchise then let me catch you up to date!

*a comic was released—-four part mini series by 88 mph studioes—–it was a good read and a decent bit of media attention for the franchise

*alittle over a year ago rumors were spread that ramis was talking about a possible GB3………these rumors of course were false and fabricated!….but still GB3 surfaced in the media once again

NOW (the Month is July)——-the 80's cartoon franchise is hotter than pink ectoplasm under the streets of new york city!

first good sign of a retro 80's movie comeback

Transformers the Movie is coming out for sure next year-this is a live action movie that Steven Speilburg is working along side with on special effects!

trailer released in Pirates of the Carribean 2
Check it out pretty cool teaser!

This is the First of the 80's comeback cartoon movies and not to be the last obviously!

Just released to the media in the past 2 weeks
Teenage Mutant Ninji Turtles 4
Coming out March 30th of 2007
it takes place after the defeat of the super shredder in number 2 and will referrence back and forth from the cartoon and the 3rd movie!
check out the trailer

if these two movies do well
and the public responds with money in the pockets of the theatres then the demand for good 80's movie remakes will start to surface

movie companies (paramont, Universal, Columbia, and others) will be more willing to hear and openly recieve good script pitches on 80's movie ideas


oldschoolbuster out!
I want to hear others opinions on this theory????

by matthew1

18 years, 7 months ago

Don't forget, they made a movie of Inspector Gadget too.

I could see a great Thundercats trilogy being made.

I think MASK would work too.

Ghostbusters III isn't dead either judging by the Empire interview with Reitman.

The 80s was a very inventive decade for film and tv. There are still many possibilities of remakes, sequels and games based on them.

by slimer3881

18 years, 7 months ago

dont forget Adult Swim's interest in re-airing Pee Wee's Playhouse.

by ecto_plasmic1

18 years, 7 months ago

I guess we're going Back to the Past.

by gbusterchick68841

18 years, 7 months ago

I still like to keep the GB3 hopes alive…but who know what may happen… (I think this belongs in the Ghostbusters 3 section)…

by venky1

18 years, 7 months ago

i just like ecto plasmic's reference to back to the future. the eighties are a live and well, but bill murray considers ghostbusters dead and burried

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

I'd still call on people to just watch things before latching on the GB3 wagon… the Empire article is an unusual artifact in this ongoing saga but we've had cross and contradictory statements seemingly from everyone of importance.

Moving to Ghostbusters III

by venky1

18 years, 2 months ago

as far as old franchises coming back:
live free or die hard
rocky balboa
rambo iv
tmnt 4
still with indiana jones rumors
does anyone see a lack of comedies on this list? i do, and i hope sony does too so we can finally get what we want

by fusi0n1

18 years, 2 months ago

Indy 4 is confirmed.

And yes, I am one of those who keep dreaming of a GB3… one day… one day…

by matthew1

18 years, 2 months ago

Also Beverly Hills Cop IV is confirmed. I never understood why the original was so popular or why they made three of them. Aside from the Axel Foley theme tune which I always liked I thought they were all pretty boring movies.