Is Ghostbusters going to miss the boat?

by stayinpuft1

16 years, 3 months ago

It seems to me like during this past summer Ghostbusters The Video Game generated alot of positive publicity and goodwill in the gaming community. Now that the game has been pushed back another year, will this game be able to regenerate that same ‘buzz’? I wouldn't be posting this if I didn't have some real concerns that it would be able to. One of the biggest problems with the Ghostbusters franchise is that it does seem to illicit SOOO much good feelings and happy memories among people but things are sooooo slow to get going. Is it because there haven't been a million rushed crappy products with the GB logo on it that helps its longevity?

This video game really looks like it kicks ass, and it really turned alot of heads. I just hope that it will be as well received the next time around.